I think they only did that once every 4 years at the school I went to. They didn’t do any funeral stuff, just the crash scene part.
One year they had a student laying on the ground near a car and a firefighter accidentally stepped on her(thought she was one of the dummies?) and broke some of her ribs.
Didn’t do shit to stop drunk driving, nor did the victims of drunk drivers that had their lives changed in the accidents.
No. We were shown why you don’t use water in an oil fire. Was a fun practical demo.
My science teacher had a balloon and he lit the string saying “check this out”
The balloon was filled with hydrogen
I don’t think that would be okay to do today
We had a community science day when I was little where they did that. Hydrogen is pretty safe to ignite in a birthday balloon.
I loved it, I’ve never felt such an explosion pressure in my chest!
It’s quite a pop!
They exploded some other balloons too, iirc, but I don’t remember too well. I think I was 8.
I wanna get some hydrogen…
My partner would have a heart attack. They can’t even be around a gun shooting or firecrackers, much less that kinda boom! I wouldn’t do that to them.
For me it was less intense than a gun or firework, maybe your balloon was bigger lol.
You can get hydrogen by running electricity through water but I forget how it works.
Oh yeah his balloon was like a nitrous mafia-sized whip it balloon. It was huuuuge!
Also that’s fun! Take out the o… and a H
At least yours did that outside. Ours did it inside and burnt all the hairs off one arm
Oh no, it was in a classroom hahaha
They did it at my school
This never happened at my school. The school news channel did do a special on it after someone died from texting tho
In America they do that in between active shooter drills.
in between active shooters
They have to do drills to make sure the shooter is ready.
Terrified at a young age, it may not be weird people take to the one legal drug if they finally reach the age of legality.
In the UK we didn’t even get driving lessons.
Our parents paid for us to learn to drive.
I still can’t believe American schools teach kids to drive, given their… attitude to other things. It’s just weird.
Afaik you have to pay for driving lessons and licensing across the US. Yes maybe you can take classes at the high school, but it’s still paid.
So you pay for the lessons at school?
Or you can pay for lessons at home, and get free lessons at school?
(Sorry – your comment was clear as to who does the paying).
You pay private driving schools to 1) rent a car and 2) for lessons. There are no lessons offered through normal school itself, save for some select places and maybe some colleges.
If there are some select public schools that teach students to drive, I certainly never have heard of it before. The private driving schools though, yeah, I definitely know those are real. Various insurance companies give discounts to minors with drivers licenses if they pass said school I believe.
It really depends on what state you live in. My school only offered summer driver’s ed. Only knew one person who took it. I never had a class on how to drive. My parents taught me, I took a written test, a 2hr long seminar on driving safely, and a practical test.
They not only did this whole skit at my high school, they literally had a helicopter from the local hospital airlift the “injured” students off the football field where the assembly was held.
I was kinda jealous of my friend, who was one of the two kids who got to ride the chopper. I’ve never ridden in a chopper. 🥺
I’m sorry you didn’t GET TO THE CHOPPA!
Where/when is this happening?
america… my high school in michigan had a fake crash set up with a fire truck there… they had a bunch of lights, banners and tables so it was obviously staged at first glance… so they weren’t tricking the kids… but they had body bags and stuff, i didn’t watch the show….
but also my friend died and a couple other friends were seriously injured in a pointless crash just driving fast for fun… i think kids don’t really understand the power of their 2 tons of steel and an engine that can go 150 mph… why are cars even able to go over 80?
I had this at my highschool too. They even flew in a helicopter to take the “dead” students away. They also had a mock funeral and the “dead” students didn’t have to attend school for the rest of the week and I’m pretty sure that they weren’t allowed to use social media or communicate with anyone at school either.
We only had fire drills, where we had to casually follow our teacher outside, stand at the collection spot for ~10min, and then go back in and continue the lesson.
Besides the two times where the canteen burnt the lunch so bad the alarms went off, we once had a suspected bomb alarm during uni where we were told to stay away for a few days while investigations were on, the ones who didn’t need any of the instruments anyway. Turns out it was some depressed tween who made joke on reddit or tumblr about wanting to bomb the place.
Good times.
So – funny story.
At my mum’s school (she taught at a different school than me and my siblings went to) they had regular fire drills. (We had them at our school as well).
But at my mum’s school the fire brigade sometimes took one or two students, or a teacher, aside and kept them inside the school during the fire drill, to test whether or not registers were being taken properly.
The idea being that when the register was taken, and little Susie Jones or Mister Smith (the biology teacher) wasn’t present, the responsible member of staff would alert the fire brigade and they would go back into the building to “search for the missing person”
However one year they decided to stop doing it, because apparently one of the firemen approached a third year girl (aged 13) and asked if she wouldn’t mind going into a cupboard with him, and she KICKED HIM IN THE LEG and ran away screaming about this creepy man who was trying to get her to go into a cupboard.
She attracted quite a lot of attention – most of the staff and almost all of the students – and they eventually calmed her down and explained what was going on. She was a little embarrassed but also quite proud of kicking him so hard.
So yeah – after that they stopped taking kids aside and kept it to taking staff aside because no one else wanted to get kicked.
Another funny story – aside from the fire drills, we once had to evacuate an entire wing of the school because we were testing the energy released by various things (peanuts, paraffin, methylated spirits etc) by setting them on fire and seeing how long it took them to heat up some water to 100 degrees.
It was going fine, until we tried burning 25ml of paraffin, and someone set fire to the curtains in the lab. One moment there was a small pool of paraffin, next moment FIRE RAGING ON THE CURTAINS and the fire alarm ringing throughout the building.
That was quite entertaining.
(I haven’t even told you the story about the science teacher who cracked the plexiglass screen. You know the big thick screen they put up in front of “dangerous” experiments to protect the students?
Well the chemistry teacher was doing an experiment with fire and gunpowder and I think he mismeasured the amount he put in, because there was a flame and an explosion and the screen that was supposed to absorb the explosion and protect the students… not so much – it cracked and split in two. It didn’t shatter but it wasn’t entirely useful after that and the class ended a lot earlier than we were expecting.
Yes, but it wasn’t fake. Three students died playing drunk motorcycle chicken, two guys and one of them had their girlfriend on the back. The whole school was in mourning and I got written up for pointing out that they were clearly fucking idiots.
We had a day when they simulated a group of students being killed in a drunk driving accident. They still had to come to school, though, so they wore white face paint and weren’t supposed to interact with anyone.
My school had this too. The fake crash was on the grass by the bus loop, and the theatre kids involved went to class with ghost facepaint and didn’t talk until school was dismissed. NGL it stuck with me, but I was already afraid of alcohol and drugs because of DARE* 🤷♂️
*Discredited program that only worked on me apparently.
DARE worked on a lot more than just you. It even worked to get a lot of kids into drugs!
It is worth noting that this sort of thing was only done for a very brief period of time. It’s not like this is how all American schools have warned students since 1978.
Still hilarious when you look back on it.
2004, we made my buddy laugh when he was supposed to be playing dead and got in trouble lol
Making friends laugh when they are supposed to be still/silent is like… Half the reason to have friends. All thebsrupid charades we used to do whenever someone was on the phone with their parents or girlfriend lol. Or the moaning and making ridiculous comments loudly lol.
I don’t often remember highschool fondly but it happens once in awhile.
Yup. Caused minor PTSD in the actors and I was one of them. A bunch of students still drove drunk though…
It’s been 5 years and his friend is still pretending to be dead.