We all have been there… For the beginner it’s easy to mess things up. What are your horror stories with Git?
Joined on a project and the unsupervised junior devs had branches for each developer, even if they were working on the same features. They were copying and pasting each others code into their personal branches to stay up to date.
Spaghetti commits took a while to unwind.
Those first couple months learning git… yeah, it is weird, but once it clicks… you’ll be surprised how truly simple it is.
The programming world would be awful without it
Learning git was like every other cool tech thing for me (including the fediverse). People explain it in such a convoluted way. It’s like they think you want to understand the deep theory of it before you get up and running!
Yes, git is more than just a “save box”, but really, new users should absolutely just think about it as a save box. Learn the fancy shit later.
Honestly this is me. At this point I really should know better but I dont, and every tuorial seems to be speaking a whole new language. Any tips for where to learn this?