I grew up pre-Internet so when I got on it in the 90s I mightily enjoyed finding Yanks on ICQ to “wind them up” about “losing Vietnam”. Very basic and low-level stuff.

Over the years I stopped doing it after getting bored.

But on Lemmy I’ve rediscovered the joys of sarcasm except I think it makes me a “troll”?


“You’re the cancerous polyp up the rectum of life”

“People like you should be shot, piled high and tipped in the sea”

“This is the babbling nonsense of the brain damaged and insane”

As far as I’m concerned they’re blatantly obvious sarcasm and humour. BUT it’s SO much fun cos people take it seriously!! Some get downvoted to oblivion and others get deleted.

It’s great thinking up insults that are as way off the wall as possible and just seeing how people react.

I don’t want them to react negatively. I actually enjoy it when they give it back or at least realise you’re not being serious. But it’s also hilarious when they go off on a long rant to prove their point.

Am I a troll? Am I evil?

  • willya@lemmyf.uk
    8 months ago

    Trolling requires wit and making people laugh in my opinion. All while also riling someone up. This is how it used to be done and is an actual art form when done correctly. The “trolls” on Lemmy just pile on with buzz words and fake rage towards things. There’s never anything smart or funny in any of the “trolling” I see on here.

    Evil for insulting people on the internet? No.