Sublette County Sheriff K.C. Lehr has received more than 7,000 emails about a Wyoming man who reportedly captured and tormented a wolf before killing it, he told Cowboy State Daily on Wednesday.

Some of those are threats.

Lehr said people in his office, as well as Sublette County and Wyoming Game and Fish Department personnel, have been receiving threats — including death threats — stemming from Daniel, Wyoming, man Cody Roberts’ reported capture, torment and killing of a wild wolf in late February.

    6 months ago

    Science Memes: Bro hunters are srs and professional bro we can trust hunters to follow the rules and always confirm their targets in this owl purge of one of two species that look extremely similar

    Me, a Southerner: I know hunters, I have hunted, I know hicks, I have to go to hick country all the time, LMAO

      6 months ago

      I’m a biologist (well, microbiologist but we learn a lot of regular macrobiology stuff as undergrads) and used to get into arguments with my dipshit former high school classmates all the time about this. There was the ever present “hunters are the best stewards of the land” bullshit as an argument to get rid of permitting, tagging, etc. Hunters are mostly terrible, especially trophy hunters. They in particular select against some of the more advantageous traits.

      Even if the steward bullshit was true for most hunters (spoiler: it’s not), it only takes a small percentage of them misbehaving to drive animals to extinction.

          6 months ago

          Wonder if their thriving has anything to do with scumbags like the one from Wyoming posing with a crippled, defeated wolf in a state where basically no restrictions exist about how many and in which ways apex predators are allowed to be murdered. Looking at Montana, Dakota, Wyoming, Pennsylvania and Utah. No that can’t be it. The natural way has to be to gun them down from helicopters with gatling guns. That’s how it always has been done in good old america.