Sublette County Sheriff K.C. Lehr has received more than 7,000 emails about a Wyoming man who reportedly captured and tormented a wolf before killing it, he told Cowboy State Daily on Wednesday.

Some of those are threats.

Lehr said people in his office, as well as Sublette County and Wyoming Game and Fish Department personnel, have been receiving threats — including death threats — stemming from Daniel, Wyoming, man Cody Roberts’ reported capture, torment and killing of a wild wolf in late February.

    6 months ago

    You advocate for a fair justice system when you’re rational because you know at some point you’re going to have an irrational reaction. It’s the entire point.

        6 months ago

        So the most rational thing to do about it is to acknowledge that irrationality happens to you and other people against their will and to build a system to avoid it. If you don’t think you act irrationally you’ve already fallen into a catch-22 cause that is in fact irrational.

        Now if you think we can act rationally more often, I’m right with you in advocating for socialized mental healthcare.

          6 months ago

          If you don’t think you act irrationally you’ve already fallen into a catch-22 cause that is in fact irrational.

          Didn’t really get that from the rest of what you said, though. How is that a catch-22? Cause everyone will just be irrational eventually? No, not me, I am the one without sin, only I can cast stones.

          Also find it kind of funny because the catch-22 itself, referencing the book, is an example of the paradox of how the only people who would want to fight in war are probably insane, but also that insanity is a way to get dismissed from service. The scenario itself references a paradox which, in wartime, is unsolvable. If you’re sort of assuming that, for rational people, the default state of them is to assume they’re irrational, and also that, for the irrational, the default state of them is to assume they’re rational, I dunno if that really, uhh, works.

          Okay, I’m assuming I’m irrational. Yakka foob mog, grug pubbaqup zink watoom gazork. Chumble spuzz.

          We’re probably operating on different ideas of what “rationality” and “irrationality” means, here. I don’t actually disagree with any of what you said, I’m just pushing your buttons.

            6 months ago

            Lol. I think you realized you didn’t actually agree with what you were talking about halfway through and instead of deleting the comment you tried to play it off.