Sublette County Sheriff K.C. Lehr has received more than 7,000 emails about a Wyoming man who reportedly captured and tormented a wolf before killing it, he told Cowboy State Daily on Wednesday.

Some of those are threats.

Lehr said people in his office, as well as Sublette County and Wyoming Game and Fish Department personnel, have been receiving threats — including death threats — stemming from Daniel, Wyoming, man Cody Roberts’ reported capture, torment and killing of a wild wolf in late February.

    6 months ago

    Probably not. Teenagers are still developing their brains, empathy, etc.

    Some teenagers are taught that hunting is a valuable skill and want to practice it. Some just want to use their toy and don’t actually consider the full implications. Some might have been taught that squirrels are vermin.

    All those things are more likely than the teen shooting the squirrel because they enjoy causing pain. Probably the squirrels POV never even shadowed their thoughts.

    tl;dr teenagers are stupid and do stupid shit without thinking about what they’re doing.