• PrinceWith999Enemies@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Oh, hell - I’m old enough that I remember when TNG first came out. I was like “WTF is this?!” “The Enterprise is a pizza wheel now?!!” “Why does the French captain have an English accent and why is he such a prick?!!!”

    To be fair, solely in the context of TOS, those first few episodes and most of the first season were pretty bizarre. I mean, those Ferengi as the main bad guys meant to replace the Klingons? Q was just out of left field. The idea was actually great in hindsight, but the execution was honestly terrible. Then the writers started figuring out the plot and the actors started figuring out their roles, and now it’s considered the standard against which all other Treks are measured.

    I think it was DS9 where the First Season Rule was discovered, along with The Beardening phenomenon.