A reddit holiday
But what do you really think? :P
Man, I just kept deleting my account every few months because it’s so filled with toxic people I didn’t trust not to try to track me down, and eventually they were like “oh no you can’t post here unless youve got over 9000 karma”
I totally get that that’s why I still have an account. My account has 90k Karma and that’s the incredibly annoying thing about reddit.
I mean God damn it’s useful. I don’t know where I would be finding answers or finding out shit or tools if I stopped using Reddit.
There is nothing else like Reddit out there and that’s what pisses me off a lot you know. Anyway I’ve been banned permanently site-wide seven times maybe eight, and the fact that they do this Karma bullshit and you can’t post unless you have enough.
And you keep deleting your accounts? It puts you in a sucky place and kind of forces you to be on Reddit a lot more than you want to, and engage because I mean meaningful posts thoughtful comments and actual genuinely good educated advice is going to get up votes.
So you literally have to put your time and energy into it to get that karma in order to be able to use the site more freely and that fucking sucks.
That’s why I watch my manners in my mouth most of the time and have unsubbed from so many fucking communities I need to unsub for more actually.
So I can keep my mouth shut and not get banned. Also really frustrates and makes me angry, is that it’s like I said Reddit is actually useful okay.
All the other social media yes I am saying all of them. None of them are useful it’s just a bunch of stupid fucking random assholes talking to each other.
How the fuck is that going to help me find a specific Android APK that I can download from GitHub that I’m looking for?
You know shit like that like blue skies not going to have that, nosters not going to have that mastodons not going to have that I mean all the social medias are is just a bunch of stupid fucking idiots speaking as if they’re intelligent and like they know a thing or two like their important and shit.
Or it’s like Instagram and Facebook where people just want likes on their pictures and shit I mean none of that is useful you know.
And if you don’t use Reddit and you just use what comes up on your web browser I mean you have got to read an author’s five page of thoughts before you get the answer about how to open up your more connection settings menu on your Android phone
I mean Jesus Christ it’s just fucking ridiculous you know and read it just cut straight to the fucking point and you get your answer.
So I noticed that I’ve been engaging too much and I’ve been really good about Reddit recently with this account and I don’t want to deal with making another one so I’m just going to leave it alone and if I don’t have anything nice to say I’m just not going to say anything at all.
Sorry this is really long
I get that, actually. It’s one reason why for example I posted a how to install lotide guide on narwhal.city, because just like what you’re talking about a lot of these site don’t hang onto stuff like that.
I had to leave because the place was scaring me (especially since I want to have fun), but I also know that for some things it’s tough finding the information anywhere but.
Yup. Oh I know exactly what you mean man.
What are you thinking of doing with it so far Right now?
I never created a new account, I just end up there sometimes. But I’m not really on anything but youtube that’s big tech anymore