Modified entry to a local homebrew contest. They gave us 5 gals of wort, lightly hopped, light brown ale. I added 5 lbs blended apples, cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice. 2 weeks primary, 4 weeks secondary, 4 weeks bottle. Ale flavor is mild, apple and spice flavor is great. Could be a touch sweeter.

(bonus Megas XLR bottle opener, have to brag, lol.)

    8 个月前

    I used to make a really good “graff” that was 1 gal of amber wort (made from DME for simplicity and a quick brew day) to 4 gal apple juice that always came out tasting like a back-sweetened British cider (edit: at 4.5-5.0% ABV without actually having extra sugar in it, so it could be bottle conditioned) and only needed a 1 week primary. You could definitely add apple pie spices to that base and get something special.

    I miss that abomination. I need to start brewing again. Also, LMK if you want a recipe; I think I have an old BeerSmith recipe PDF in my Dropbox somewhere