Welcome to the challenge for November 9th which is the 3rd one so far after #8 and this post with the original idea.
Warning: Comments may contain spoilers, so only read them once you’re ready.
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!Chinquapin!< is the best i can do without cheating
Great! My image is a pretty small castanea sativa (sweet chestnut), while the chinquapin is listed as castanea pumila (dwarf chestnut). So for me (as a non-biologist) that’s the same! 👑
Perfect - Castanea sativa 🎉
Have you seen the video where one lady is slingshotting these into another lady’s anus?
I just love it when you show up
Correct answer! 🏆
It’s not a nut in the botanical sense but if we stay strictly within those boundaries there’s not enough variety. ;)