Interesting you say that. I loved District 9 then the next thing I saw from him was ‘Oats Studios’ shorts; which turned me right off the guy.
Billed as post apocalyptic stories; it sounded entertaining but what I saw was strong shock/gore/horror stuff which just seemed to go for straight up nastiness with no decent story, message or social commentary that I could discern. Juvenile writing paired with horrible imagery for the sake of it.
Not for me, and I’m not sure who it would be for really. Black Mirror has a cerebral quality but Oats was simply depressing rubbish.
I don’t think I’ll watch another thing by him. Really disappointing since District 9 was fantastic.
Mate I dislike JS as much as anyone but there’s no need to bring it in here.
So 68.1% of the American public are complicit. Worse than I thought TBH. Fuck.
It should not be that surprising. Many teenagers are really smart, curious and will find their way here. That said I realise your warning is well intentioned; I hope Lemmy remains a more civil place than Reddit became over the last ten years, for everyone; teenagers included.
Same here: Deleted my 13y Reddit account along with every other US tech account except Google, as I need that for my livelihood.
Censorship wasn’t the motivation. Rather; I’m withdrawing my support for the US economy in any way possible, given the shocking geopolitical events of this year and the way they are treating Ukraine.
Besides, the Federverse feels like going back to the internet’s roots and I’m here for it!
Agreed, I despise Musk as much as any sane person does now, but I just can’t get on board with this prevalent behaviour of indiscriminately trashing everything about a person who you don’t like.
Just be honest! He clearly has played a big part in achieving some spectacular results: Whether you think that was in engineering, or by cunning manipulation all the way up; the fact is SpaceX have achieved feats nobody else has, and I don’t believe it would have happened without Musk.
None of that changes the fact he is a cunt, but dishonesty in criticism only weakens it.
The German dedication to variety in Chocolate flavouring is impressive. Ritter Sport could make their own catalogue.
To be clear, you are criticising Sabine for saying there should be no research grants for women? If so, you perhaps misinterpret her meaning?
If I know Sabine at all from her videos, she would have meant that in an equal world, grants aimed specifically at either sex should not be necessary.
That’s quite different from a “raise the drawbridge” stance - but I’m a casual viewer, so please be kind while putting me right, if warranted.