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Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I have to agree, the people who made this video and the target audience they’re aiming for by dubbing over “fun, cool, upbeat” music is warped in a sick way. I know, I used to be one of them when I was a firefighter EMT. I had no feelings on the job. One time my medic partner saw a fatal incident where the medical examiner (coroner) showed up to the call, and my partner watched him finish up his ice cream cone while standing over a dead body. It wasn’t until I quit the fire department that I started to emotionally process what I saw.

    No matter who you’re looking at that got killed, you shouldn’t ever lose your humanity and trivialize death and killing like you see portrayed here. I’m willing to bet at LEAST half of the Russian soldiers there don’t want anything to do with the war, and they’re there by force, whether being drafted or because they were desperate for money. Have some respect for the dead. You don’t know who’s world you just destroyed, but they most likely had a peaceful life with a wife and family, just like you, but they had the unfortunate situation of being born in a tyrannical, mafia-like government who couldn’t value life any less.

    Bottom line… Don’t gloat or trivialize killing, no matter who it is. But maybe you have to watch enough people die in order to realize life is sacred and death shouldn’t be disrespected. Even if they lost their way and fell victim to propaganda. I can always tell who hasn’t seen real life and death by how they react to watching the entertainment industry trivialize real death and turn it into entertainment.