because almost nobody in the western world around you is one, so you’re essentially talking to a brick wall or worse

    2 months ago

    I know exactly what you mean OP, i’ve been pushed out of social circles for my communist views before; granted those people where likely never my friend, but it only takes one fashoid to paint you as a ‘red fash’ for not believing china is literally 1984 x200 to the politically uninformed that their cognitive bias and general feel due to the media pushes them to agree with them and act tribally.

    Dont get me wrong, im highly social; I have many friends, different productive social circles; this is just one group of people, but the sad part is i’ve lost some people I was on good terms with for years and I would be lying if I said it didnt hurt, it does! I hate the alienation and tribalism present in the social fabric of the west, you really do feel that tolerance for ideologies left of the liberal orthodoxy has basically become 0 in the UK at least.