• Aceticon@lemmy.dbzer0.com
    2 months ago


    Those of us paying attention have spotted long ago that the Ju$tice System is mainly a tool for violent enforcement of the power of the moneyed and well-connected elites on the majority of the population behind a charade of “rules are rules” and it being just an independent and a fair mechanism for equal application of the “rules defined by Society” to all (all of which is nowadays and in a painlfully obvious way, clearly a bundle of lies).

    All it takes is comparing how the Ju$tice System reacts to merelly the peons breaching uneven contracts with big companies or to the occupation of the property of the very wealthy by the poor, compared to how it reacts to violent crime in poor neighbourhoods, to see how their Ju$tice is not in any way form or shape Fair or Just.

    Maybe it’s less so in some countries and more so in others, but nowhere is it actually fair and independent.