#WhatchaReading? I DNF’d Return to Mariposa by Anne Stuart. It’s highly implausible, there’s a huge continuity error, and it just felt… disconnected from itself, like nothing flowed in a reasonable way. A lot of the reviews say the book gets really stupid in the *second* half, so I decided to cut my losses.
I don’t know if romantasy is welcomed here, but this post popped up on my feed and I figured bad discussion is better than no discussion ;). I’m currently embarassingly deep into the Zodiac Academy series of books. I almost DNF’d the first one for being a little too creepy/rapey, but powered through, gave it a chance, and enjoyed the next several. Personal opinion is ideas/qualify falling off by book 8 (embarrassing), but the world building and characters were fun.
Currently Onyx Storm because of course you have to read it first day! So many cliffhangers that were left over from Iron Flame that I can’t wait to get wrapped up. Though there is supposed to be a fourth book and I think Rebecca Yarros is supposed to have left a heck of a frustrating one at the end of this book.
there’s actually gonna be 5 books. Rebecca Yarros said recently she’s plotted them all out, but she’s taking a break to recoop from having 2.5 years of no breaks writing the first three.
@subtext I haven’t tried her yet but I’m happy for you!