Last year everything just seemed to implode; I had gone through a really bad breakup after getting cheated on multiple times by my then boyfriend, so I decided to make a big change. I took a job a few hundred miles from home and upended my life for a new job, which was going to be a big opportunity for me. I was still extremely depressed, but I decided to just take the leap.

Less than a month later, my kidneys started shutting down. It was completely out of nowhere. I had assumed it was just a kidney stone since I had those in the past. What I had was a very serious kidney infection. I was hospitalized 5 times and had to have several blood transfusions.

I ended up losing my job, which was supposed to be my rescue from the severe depression I was in. That happened in late June of last year and I’m still not out of the woods. I’m still taking antibiotics and having kidney pain, but I haven’t found a job that is equivalent to the one I had. I’m working, but the struggle of trying to pay my medical bills is causing me depression to be worse than it was before.

I’m starting over, but I don’t know what I’m going to do in the meantime. It’s very difficult to see that light at the end of the tunnel, but I’m doing my best.

Just thought I’d post here because I didn’t know where else do post. Thanks for reading.

    4 months ago

    I also kinda feel very low in my life. Even though I didn’t have a break up yet, but it is about to happen. Kids, house and dogs are involved and I‘m emotionally a huge mess. Additionally I fell in love with someone, who does not love me and will soon leave the country. I was unemployed for a couple months and start a new job the next weeks, but I‘m not sure if I have the energy for everything. Sometimes life makes no fun anymore and I ask myself, if it makes sense to suffer for no reason. Yeah I know „sometime“ it‘s gonna be better again. But it is also gonna be worse again.