• xenoclast@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    Here’s another way to look at it. This is one of those things where you hear older people bitching about “the youths don’t vote” and then when you get to be that age your think. Jesus fuck, they are so right.

    It’s one of those wisdoms you wish you could download into peoples brains because it’s so important.

    We have always hated our choices. They always suck for one reason or another. Your best option and (here’s thing people forget)* the best option for everyone you care about*. Is to suck it up, and vote for whomever you think would be the best choice for those you love. It’s that simple.

    Nothing is fair and most things are shitty compromises but you gotta do the work or things get worse.

    • Sami_Uso@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      I mean I’m 35, I’m not exactly a “youth” anymore. I was SO excited to vote for Obama in 08 for my first eligible election. I started video editing in high school by making campaign videos on YouTube. I’ve voted in every primary and general election since then. This would be the first time since I’ve been of voting age that I’ve even considered not voting.

      We all know the voting system in this country is shit, the two party system is shit, but we keep telling everyone to show up because “that’s the best we have”. Well, maybe it doesn’t have to be.

      If the “work” is us showing up once every 4 years to cast a vote that really only decides anything if you’re in swing states then I think there’s probably room for way more to be done.