McConnell had the following to add when asked about his retirement plans:
What ancient, rich piece of shit will be replacing him and how old are they?
Probably someone just as awful, for him to be giving up his position after all these years…
A Christian nationalist, probably.
Given the number of changes and replacements we’ve seen in the GOP recently, it’s pretty apparent that the last parts of the non-MAGA party left over from the Bush era are collapsing and being replaced with die hard Trumper’s.
This is not good news in a two party system where a number of states are comport controlled and run by said party.
McConnell, shortly after the announcement, said…
It has been my ho…
……and was then lead away.
He’ll be missed.
By who exactly?
Oh, is this when we throw the tomatoes?
You were waiting?
Why wait?