No direct spoilers
I beat bg3 tonight. A zombie I didn’t know throws a party for me and the two other people in my party… Like 30 empty chairs. I think I missed a lot of the game.
I bet that zombie spent hours getting all that food, furniture, and a musician I didn’t know together.
Alfira died in my campaign so I was wondering if he was a placeholder for her
Yes…mine too…mysteriously… Sweats
Pfft. Real Durges go to bed covered in her gore. Just saying.
Blood circle on the ground? What do you mean? That was always there!
Donny think I met that character either 😐
Oh wait, googled, yeah, she died at the end of act 1 for me. Didn’t even last a night
No, he shows up either way. He’s actually a pretty cool character, but it’s super easy to miss because you have to go climb up on that pillar and basically demand to know who he is haha
I dont understand this sentence. What pillar are you climbing on?
The bard at the end of game party is up on a raised platform