• PhilipTheBucket@ponder.catOP
    1 month ago

    You’re not wrong. It’s one among a couple of reasons I’m trying not to do so much sarcasm and meanness on Lemmy. It’s a hard habit to break.

    On the other hand, nothing about what I said was personal. I was pointing out the huge separation between what’s real, and what they were basing their argument on. My experience is that replying to that kind of post at face value, and just doing a detailed factual rebuttal of it like you’re doing a class presentation, is a mug’s game, because they’ll just come back at you with a bunch of firm insistence that everything you said is wrong. Bullshit asymmetry principle and all. I did so that a bunch of times early on. I’ve spent, honestly, days upon days in other internet forums doing it. So, in this comment, I gave the citations, explained myself in detail about why I thought the argument was dishonestly constructed, and also I was kind of a dick about it, also refusing to take part when they tried to seize the conversation and discard everything I said and ask a bunch of new questions, generally lay a new groundwork for our interaction in which they get to push me around and control what’s judged right and wrong and what we’re talking about, and I’m a big jerk somehow if I don’t go along with it.

    Was the way I did it productive? Honestly, I don’t know. They did snap out of it and actually start responding in detail to what I was saying, though, after I did it for a few messages, so maybe there was something of value to it. Like I say, I don’t think you are wrong that sometimes the way I do it is excessively mean.

    • OBJECTION!@lemmy.ml
      1 month ago

      My experience is that replying to that kind of post at face value, and just doing a detailed factual rebuttal of it like you’re doing a class presentation, is a mug’s game, because they’ll just come back at you with a bunch of firm insistence that everything you said is wrong. Bullshit asymmetry principle and all.

      They did snap out of it

      It seems to me that it wasn’t so much that they “snapped out of it” as that they were trying to argue in good faith from the start, and got sidetracked because of your antics.

      The alt-right playbook is good stuff for dealing with alt-right people or those who employ similar tactics, but if you resort to that right off the bat without justification, then you’re the one who’s out of line.

      You should use a carrot and stick approach. If someone is sticking to the facts, you stick with the facts, if they start doing weird psychological bullshit, then you deploy countermeasures to force them back to the facts. I don’t see any weird psychological bullshit in their original comment, they’re just describing their views.