• mysticpickle@lemmy.ca
    29 days ago

    The White Castle - Been awhile since my brain burned this hard from trying to figure out all the interlocking parts of gameplay. Very interesting dice drafting mechanics that reward you for taking lower value dice. I thought you could go hard into one strategy (ie heavy farmers) and succeed but this game definitely seems to favor a more balanced approach.

    Radlands - Hands down my favorite all in one deck dueler. Premise is simple pick 3 camps that give you a combination of special abilities and starting cards and blow up your opponent’s camps before they do the same to yours. The sheer replayability from being able to select your 3 starting camps really alters how your strategy will play out each game. I recently got the cult of chrome expansion that adds even more camps and updates some of the existing ones so I’m excited to try it out!

    Tyrants of the Underdark - Great deck building area control game. Each game you shuffle 2 of 6 half decks together to make a market deck to buy from so that’s like 15 different combinations (some of which work better than others imo). I’ve never been a huge fan of pure deck building games like dominion but slap another mechanic onto it and it’s ON for me.

    Spartacus - This game is always a raucous and wild time that is made even more enjoyable if you’ve seen the Starz TV show. The game consists of 3 phases that play including a munchkin-esqe schemes phase, bidding phase for slaves/gladiators/equipment, and of course the Arena phase where you duke it out with another players gladiators and make bets on various outcomes of the match. I love the wild swings of the combat system where a gladiator’s health and abilities are represented by dice that disappear as he suffers wounds. Highly recommended to play with the blue dice variant to fix some of the wonkiness that can sometimes happen with combat. I love this game.