Link posts from appear to be previewing the Cloudflare captcha challenge “Attention Required! | Cloudflare” prompt instead of actual content.
What it looks like (two examples - this seems to be a consistent problem for thetyee):
What it should look like (a different post):
My guess is that the rich link preview is generated in Lemmy’s backend, and Cloudflare thinks that the IP address of’s host is full of bots.
No educated guess on the solution, though, but I’d guess that other Lemmy admins have seen sort of thing too.
Lemmy mainline could also skip rich link preview generation if it returns a non-2xx status. Have a few retries if link preview generation fails, and omit the preview entirely if retries are exhausted. I think the
Attention Required! | Cloudflare
prompt is associated with a403 Forbidden
status code.And also generate some logs of what addresses are being refused, so the Lemmy admins can reach out to the content owners and get their servers unblocked, maybe.