I should have just died at birth. I actually tried making this stupid life worth living and it’s all wasted effort. Nothing improved, as manic episodes don’t count as “happiness”. I will always be burdensome scum and a waste of flesh and resources. I’m always going to be emotionally, mentally, and physically stunted. I’m always going to be a joke to society. I’m always going to feel like a void trying to blend in with the actual people. Nothing will improve regardless of how much I try. My only choices are being abused for the rest of my life despite everything, and being a burden at work and on society of the actually loved people. I don’t enjoy anything anymore. My life peaked at 4. I don’t see a point in trying to improve myself anymore.

  • Mighty@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    You’re at the beginning of enlightenment. To want nothing, to need nothing is freedom to have everything. Your life ain’t gonna end now, so that’s a waste of time to think about. But now that you let go of expectations, you’re free to experience the world for what it is .

    Or are you still holding on to expectations? It feels like you’re not free to experience anything good since you’re only focusing on the negative. And focusing on labeling things as positive and negative.

    The world has nothing to offer you. The only thing you can do is to work on yourself.