So, currently I’m not organized in any kind of way or doing any militancy work, but liked to show my support to an agrarian reform movement just by wearing a hat that i bought in a MST fair, in two days i will be attending a geek event that has no political nature in a broader sense.
what are your thoughts about it, it is a valid display, is a petty mentality and useless?
Financing is the hardest part of social organising. You’re supporting it. :)
And normalising the aesthetics. Sounds good to me.
For sure. I do the same with my MST hat.
It may inspire people to strike up a conversation with you, and with a bit of preparation and luck you can convince them of a small bit of theory. Even the tiniest efforts to just so slightly erode the ideological dominance of liberalism can eventually bear fruit in material reality, and it is definitely better to undertake them than not to.
thanks, haven’t thought in that perspective.
Yes, it is good to normalize revolutionary aesthetics and propaganda.