They’re very portable, so you can carry them around with you in case you come up with an idea of something to write on your Tesla while you’re out and about. They stick to the surface quite well and don’t wash off in the rain.
(Please try not to succumb to the temptation to write “F**k off Nazi Scum” or similar on somebody else’s though like other people are suggesting. That might encourage people not to buy Teslas, which is a shame, because they’re great American cars.)
They made a stupid mistake ten years ago when they bought a car from a conman sex pest pedo-guy.
Edit: I assume every downvote is some poor fool who fell for Elon, and I’m sorry for you :'(
Yes because Lemmy is so full of people praising Elon. Couldn’t be because you’re acting like an ass.
Go ahead, then, explain to me the issue with my comment. Where is your dividing line where supporting Elon was ok? Or do you just not think he’s a sex pest? What’s triggering you?
Which might be the case, but not entirely grounds for punching someone.
Who is punching someone?
@easily3667 @BeardedGingerWonder
See a Nazi punch a Nazi is what they were reffering to.
While woning a Tesla is problematic it isnt grounds for outright violance.
But that’s not what I’m responding to nor is it the content of my post. The content of my post is clearly saying people who say “I couldn’t have possibly known better because it was ten years ago and nObOdY knew Elon was evil” are deluding themselves and are on the wrong side of history because he was clearly evil 10, 15, 20 years ago.
(a) There were far fewer detractors of Musk 10 years ago. I thought he was pretty cool for trying to make spaceships and electric cars. Yes of course there were plenty of signs, and I should have noticed them. Besides that, one could also be forgiven for not thinking he was literally a fascist back then.
(b) What major company isn’t headed by someone on the asshole spectrum somewhere? There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, but we still need cars since we ripped up all our train tracks.
If (b) is your argument then you should have no problem today with Tesla. If you have a problem today, you cannot use (b)
(A)…I’m pretty sure you’re agreeing with me but with a disagreement tone? “There were plenty of signs” “should have noticed them”…yep, we agree.
No, Musk was a leftist 10 years ago. I saw posts on Twitter of him defending LGBT. He completely went crazy maybe 5-6 years back and went full MAGA. I suspect it was his girlfriend of 4 years dumping him.
Lol you think grimes turned him conservative?
you literally have no idea what’s going on. Go read.
Mush was never a fucking “leftist.” He was born extremely wealthy to a family that owned an emerald mine. He’s done nothing but exploit people his entire life.
His Twitter posts say otherwise. When he trolled back in the day, he trolled Republicans.
Here was his turning point. In 2020, standing in an LGBT friendly company he mocked those same people he once defended.
I agree it all could have been an act before this point … but the fact remains even if it was … he actually cared enough to act back then.
If youre busy paying attention to who he is trolling rather than what he actually does, you will never ever ever ever be able to defend against con artists like Elon and trump.