Every day there’s more big job cuts at tech and games companies. I’ve not seen anything explaining why they all seam to be at once like this. Is it coincidence or is there something driving all the job cuts?

  • howrar@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    I wonder if it might be the specific type of work that you do that allows for this. I don’t pay for ChatGPT, so I wouldn’t know the quality of the code it outputs with GPT-4, but I personally wouldn’t blindly trust any code that comes out of it regardless, meaning I’d have to read through and understand all the generated code (do you save time by skipping this part maybe?), and reading code always takes longer and is overall more difficult than writing it. On top of that, the actual coding part only accounts for a small fraction of the work I do. So much of it is spend deciding what to code in order to reach a certain end goal, and a good chunk of the coding (in my case at least) is for things that are much easier to describe with code than words. So I’m still finding it hard to imagine how you could possibly get anything more than a 1.5x output improvement.

    The main time savings I’ve found with generative AI is in writing boilerplate code, documentation, or writing code for a domain that I’m intimately familiar with since those are very easy to skim over and immediately know if the output is good or not.