What immediately bugs you when watching an episode? Mine is when they transport someone sitting down and they reintegrate in a standing position (or vice versa). Sure, the tech is near magical but my suspension of disbelief pretty much snaps when they do this.
Like when they’re all so proud that “we got rid of money, we work for the future of ourselves and our species” and 5 seconds later they pay someone, buy something, play poker with a currency, use replicator-rations and and and and…
But I understand it’s hard to completely eradicate the concept of moneyz.
Isn’t the removal of money only within the Federation? Other societies still use it.
Yes, but…they also have some own currency, like replicator-rations e.g.
Isn’t that only in voyager or when they are unable to resupply?
AFAIK yes. But one exception’s enough to kill the no-money-no-more. No biggie, just a tiny nitpick
I always figured the poker games (at least in TNG) weren’t played with actual money.
In the rare instances where they actually specify, it’s usually things like duty shifts and holodeck time.
Edit: unless it’s DS9 and we’re at Quark’s, then it’s gold-pressed latinum because Ferengis still use money.
It probably isn’t, but still it’s some kind of currency with some value.
It’s why I head canon that the whole money thing to be Starfleet specific. Starfleet personnel get room and board as part of being part of starfleet. It doesn’t make much sense to me otherwise.
Seems to be human and other advanced federation societies on planets that are fully developed like the home world, starfleet facilities, and such. They talk about not needing it on earth often enough but far flung colonies obviously use it. I think there is a limit to. I think of it like the replicator rations with voyager. Everyone gets enough to get everything they need and reasonably could want but some sort of system is in place for making spaceships and buildings and such and trade across planets and such. Im sure during extreme events there is likely rationing were you temporarily were on just enough to meet needs type of thing.