Inside Job
freaks and geeks. unbelievably stacked cast but the network never gave it a dedicated time so no one knew when they could watch it. then it got cancelled before they aired half the episodes citing poor viewership
Sort of counts, but KOTH.
Fox took it off the air FOUR episodes from the finale to “make room for The Cleveland Show” of all things, the worst offering from those Family Guy clones imho.
Luckily, Adult Swim was kind enough not only to pick up KOTH, but to air those last missing episodes as well, and I have it all torrented by now of course and it was easy to find, but still, fuck Fox for that one (amongst other things, but I want to punch the specific exec that decided to do that right in the eye just one good time.)
Last Man on Earth
Lazor Wulf. Two seasons, with a forced change in animation studios between seasons, didn’t give the show enough opportunity to grow.
Tuca & Bertie and Firefly as well. Maybe Lower Decks too
If streaming shows are fair game, Final Space. So much passion poured into such an excellent production and Netflix axed it after 3 seasons.
I liked Danny Devito’s Little Demon, but it only got one season. :(
This one hurts me too, but last time I checked, it’s neither canceled nor is it green lit for a 2nd season. It seems to be in some weird Limbo.
Threshold really should have gotten more than one season. Unfortunately, I don’t think anybody’s ever heard of it.
My name is Earl, super disrespectful to end on a cliffhanger after 4 seasons
4400 both version, pretender, x-files, clarice,
The Pretender. Mostly because they had just had a huge cliff hanger. And the made for TV movies never got aired in my country.
Outer Range
I wonder how the person who’s decision it was to cancel firefly feels about this now. Do you think they were under a lot of pressures because of funding, or they just weren’t that into the show, or was there a new show they wanted to divert funding to. Wonder what the story was there.
The Expanse.
I don’t think The Expanse was really cancelled rather than it was ended at a story point that makes sense to continue from sometime in the future. There’s something like a decade long time skip and a huge thematic shift between books 6 and 7.
That last season was disappointing to me
The answer is always firefly
Too soon…
I’d you love firefly check it dark matter. It unfortunately faced the same fate though.
Yep, same characters too except they made the kaylee character into an adult pretending to be a child which was weird.
Apparently there’s a new dark matter on apple
Wrong show.
You’re telling me the bubbly youthful engineering-inclined number 5 isn’t a Kaylee replacement that they made into a child despite being in her 20s?