• Shadywack@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Fuck em both, eat the rich. I’ll celebrate anytime these motherfuckers are killed by their excess. Reminds me of the Disney exec a long time ago that died in a helicopter crash. Among a few things that suck about being an atheist is realizing there’s no hell for them to burn in for all time, because I really wish there was. That’s where they deserve to be, burning in agony and torment.

    [Edit] I feel real strongly about this. The wealth inequality is one thing, but their interests also put in place a great deal of suffering via apathy. They are so disconnected from the problems underneath them for the common person, and they have such a severe lack of empathy or sympathy for others I really don’t give a fuck about the families. How about the families of the working class who make so little they depend on public assistance? How about the families of their employees that generated their wealth, but can barely afford their bills and can’t save? How about all the American families who’s parents are going into “retirement” with less than a third in their 401k’s than what they’ll need to live out their last days?

    You wanna talk about the suffering of families? I place the suffering of many globally at the hands of these greedy fucking billionaires to the point they have literal blood on their hands and they don’t give a flying FUCK about any of it. So hell yes I’m going to celebrate this death. Fuck that entire notion, they’re disgusting people and they fucking deserve much worse.