So I’ve been thinking for a while about this subject, and I finally decided to make a post about this some time after I saw a YouTuber say what I put on the title of this post.

Thing is, I’ve noticed that very often young people and especially kids are treated as lesser beings, like if they were not humans beings with problems and lives of their own but just an annoyance that people have to keep up with.

I remember when I was a kid and I wanted to cross a zebra crossing cars would just pass by without stopping more often than not. Now that I’m an adult they stop pretty much every time. I suspect it was because they didn’t want to stop for someone they consider to be lesser than them.

Also, a lot of people seem to think that being a kid means that you just play videogames or whatever all day, but don’t these people remember when they were kids? I sure do. Going to school has been the worst thing I’ve ever had to endure. The only difference with having a job is that you don’t get paid.

    1 year ago

    Adult supremacy is a real thing. While it is very prominent among American Baby Boomers, it can afflict people of any generation. I believe we as adults have a responsibility to guide and protect youth, not forcefully shape them into some predetermined mold.

    Frankly it infuriates me when I see somebody of my age (early 30s) acting just like a damned Boomer and complaining about “kids these days”, when those kids are just responding to pressures of a world that adults have forced upon them. The only kind of youth I truly dislike are the alt-right kind.

    I cannot speak for any other country, but the US public school experience is designed to beat the kids down until they accept their place within the capitalist system by the time they’re 18 years old. Any education that happens in those places is incidental. They’re primarily meant for schooling, not education.

  • ඞ
    1 year ago

    Kids 10+ are somewhat worse at controlling their impulses, usually, but other than that they’re already just as smart as most adults, especially taking into account they’re more up to date on modern tech/developments. I never understood why we as adults collectively decided to act like we’re so much superior when we’re really not

    • loathsome
      1 year ago

      I think you are giving kids too much credit. Even the most intelligent and emotionally mature children at 10-18 years of a age have a lot of growing up to do.

      Technology is a moot point because most gadgets are anti-consumer walled ecosystems and information is highly regulated by big tech companies. Therefore it doesn’t necessarily make them smarter.