from the team:

Hi everyone,

We’re happy to announce that we’ve now launched the Proton Mail macOS and Windows apps out of beta.

Thanks to your valuable feedback, we’ve added more than 20 new features and fixes from the release of the first beta versions of the apps.

The new Proton Mail desktop apps are here to make your private inbox faster and more productive with:

🌓 Desktop-optimized design that syncs with light & dark mode

📆 Integrated Proton Calendar in app switcher

🎭 Events and hide-my-email aliases in side-panel

🔔 Dedicated app notifications

♻️ Automatic updates for the latest features & security improvements

➕ And much more

🐧If you’re a Linux user, you can join the desktop app beta here:

With the release of the desktop apps, Proton Mail is now available on all major desktop and mobile platforms, offering over 100 million people worldwide a private alternative to Big Tech, regardless of their device.

➡️ Learn more and get the desktop apps here:

Access to the desktop apps is included in all Proton premium plans. Free plans come with a 14-day trial.

As always, we welcome your feedback and we’re grateful for your continuous support.

Stay safe,

Proton team

    7 months ago

    I don’t care. Wait, strike that: I DON’T GIVE A FUCK, I want a Drive Linux app. I can read my mails very fine in a browser, thank you - but my files? I need them in my filesystem please.

    Yeah, I saw the video with the boss on TLE channel, “ooh it’s so hard because diversity in Linux”. I don’t care. Do a flatpak limited to ext4 and btrfs. Do an rpm for Fedora and deb for 'buntues for all I care. Get us limited support instead of whining about impossible unlimited integration.

    I am not happy being on a Year Plan without any hope of a solution in a timespan of a full year.