It’s not shocking that under Biden, we fell out of the top 20.

    7 months ago

    A large wealth gap does not only indicate that there are people with incomes high above the median, but also that there are those with incomes far below. It is hard for you to imagine that I might be concerned for the 2.2 million Americans without running water in their homes for example, or the 26 million Americans without health insurance , or the 44.2 million Americans affected by food insecurity. You automatically assume I am angry because someone has more than me, not less.

    The standard republican reply to such concerns is that those living below the poverty line ought to work hard and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, because everyone in the USA has opportunity to improve their situation. If that were true, there would be evidence of that happening, especially in places where hard work and bootstrap philosophy is most prevalent. According to politifact, in 2021-2022:

    64% of congressional districts with median incomes below the national median are represented by Republicans.

    A widening wealth gap seems to show that all that hard work and bootstrap pulling is not having the desired effect, even among the hardest working and most fervent believers in bootstrap pulling.

    High levels of economic inequality can lead to economic, political and social instability. I’m not saying it’s a cause but it is surely a contributing factor. If you think back over the last 200 years or so, it should not be difficult to recall nations that suffered rather calamitous events that were proceeded by situations of economic inequality: France, Russia, Italy, and Germany to name a few.

    Finally, here’s an interesting read that shows a connection between wealth disparity and the great depression:

    • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
      7 months ago

      Or to put in simply, jealously. Wealth gap is a bad measure as it ignores the wealth that is locked up and not usable.

      Communism cares are wealth gaps. Capitalism does not as much of that is locked up and not usable.

      You are free to move to Cuba, where the wealth gap is small. Almost everyone is equally poor. I have no interest in degrading our quality of life because of jealousy.

      Complaining about the income gap is fair; complaining about wealth is tiring. Go start a company and become wealthy.

        7 months ago

        I hope that anyone reading this that does not have the mind of a child understands that concern with economic inequality is not about jealousy or anger that rich people exist. It does not come from the belief that rich people have taken up all the wealth so that nobody else gets any. These are foolish mischaracterizations.

        A certain amount of inequality is a good thing: it inspires people to ambition and industry. Beyond a certain point, it is an indication that there is a problem.

        It is a symptom, it is a sign: of a giant market bubble about to burst, or of political instability- not necessarily leading to revolution, but possibly. If you don’t believe me go ask any French nobility you can find. I’m sure they’ll talk their head off about it.

        • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
          7 months ago

          It’s about jealousy. Logically whining someone has more if just silly. I’ve done fine even though Elon has done better. It’s not hard to be successful unless you sit around whining someone else has more. Too many people focus on what other have rather than focusing on their own success and happiness.

          It’s why liberals are so unhappy. They just want to steal from others rather than create their own success

            7 months ago

            It’s about jealousy. Logically whining someone has more if just silly.

            So, as far as you’re concerned, the wealth gap will never matter and is always inconsequential regardless of its size? Under no circumstances will the wealth gap ever matter? Is that right?

            • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
              7 months ago

              As long as people have enough, it doesn’t matter. We are not starving in this country.

                7 months ago

                Who is “we”? And how much is “enough”?

                By implication, it seems “not starving” = “have enough”, but are you really only not starving? Or do you have several homes you travel between for business?

                • Neuromancer@lemm.eeOPM
                  7 months ago

                  I’m also educated, intelligent and I did the grind. The younger generation isn’t any of that. They complain about things like working 40 hours and having to go to an office. I did exactly what the republicans said to do and I was rewarded.

                    7 months ago

                    I mean, that’s great, but so what?

                    Charitably, I think you’re saying Republicans have a better understanding of the rules of the game of life, and following their prescriptions will probably lead to success.

                    But the complaint of younger generation is why is a criticism of the game itself. Why do we need to grind? Why do we need to work 40 hrs and go into the office? Why do we need to endure toxic environments for success? After all, the game of life at the level we play it isn’t inherent in the structure of reality. Young people generally understand that work is necessary, food has to been grown. We strongly criticize the amount of work we do for bullshit reasons with very little compensation when there’s a lot of life outside of work we’d prefer to live in the best years of our lives.