Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez suggested that the fact the four leaders represented all sides of the political spectrum - with Spain and Malta governed by centre-left parties, Slovenia by a Liberal party, and Ireland by a centre-right party - showed there was broad political consensus that the recognition of Palestine is necessary for any future peace process.

Although the European Union supports the so-called two-state solution - which would deliver statehood for Palestinians - and is the single biggest donor of aid to Palestinians, it has not yet unanimously backed the recognition of a Palestinian state.

    6 months ago

    The two state solution has been broken beyond all repair at this point.

    To pursue it now is to reservationize the Palestinian people, the state of Israel has to be replaced with a Levantine Confederation that grants equal voting rights to everyone in its borders, except the west bank settlers because fuck all of them sideways with a running and rusted chainsaw.