Eliezer Yudkowsky @ESYudkowsky If you’re not worried about the utter extinction of humanity, consider this scarier prospect: An AI reads the entire legal code – which no human can know or obey – and threatens to enforce it, via police reports and lawsuits, against anyone who doesn’t comply with its orders. Jan 3, 2024 · 7:29 PM UTC

  • froztbyte@awful.systems
    9 months ago

    Maybe he’s having an Interaction with The Law and finding out that it isn’t in fact some perfectly rational sphere of uniform distribution but is in fact made of (gasp, horror, revulsion) human experience

    He strikes me as exactly the kind of person that’d vaguepost tangentially instead of saying “hmm well fuck, I’m getting sued”. At least until waaaaaay down the line

    (this is conjecture, of course, just to be clear)