Buckle up, buckaroo. You haven’t had an easy life so far, and it’s about to get so much worse. Your father will hang himself next year and there will be little to no support available. People who you think you know and trust will take advantage of you and leave you with nothing, all the while claiming they want to help you. Even though you’re sole heir, you will get nothing in the end.

You will lose almost everything that makes life worthwhile.

Now, this is where I want you to pay attention. The biggest mistake I made was to hope. Hope that things would get better. Hope that I would improve. Hope that everything will work out in the end.

Don’t do it. Don’t waste your time on hope. It will only ever get worse, day after day. You’ll reach age 40, realizing that you attained none of the goals you’ve ever set for yourself, with your mother and stepfather in legal issues, and not knowing why the hell you would continue working for a “pension” knowing full well it will never come.

Every minute you spend hoping, thinking that things will improve will be wasted. Better spend that time being productive somehow (hah) or just get high/drunk and say fuck it all.

It doesn’t matter because in the end, it will go the same way and nothing you do will change it.

So yeah. Hope. Not worth it. Save yourself the time, effort & heartbreak.

Also, when you first hear about Bitcoin, don’t condescendingly dismiss it as some useless project and buy a few…