I tried to look through a few threads to see what people were saying, and there were more than a few mod removed comments, and even more users whose comments were still present but the users were tagged as “Banned from the community”. I am new to lemmy, but this seems pretty bad.

Like, how can you call it a community if all you do is shut down conversation? Seems antithetical to the values conservatives profess to have. I’m really beginning to question my beliefs as a conservative. Is this what we actually are? This is pathetic.

Stop engaging in cancel culture. Shut down peoples opinions with facts, stop abusing your power because you got your feelings hurt.

I get the feeling that this wont post or will be censored because the mods are anti freedom socialists, so just in case they do I’ve copied and screenshotted it, and I’ll be posting it in every way I can on as many accounts as I can until the mods address their behaviour.

Get a grip, be a real conservative forum, stop being such fainting nancies. Have some self respect.

  • Gigan@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I assume it’s to stop brigading from all the leftists on Lemmy. I’ve seen posts and comments get mass downvoted just for expressing conservative ideas, and that’s ridiculous on a community that’s supposed to be for conservatives.

    • Aniki 🌱🌿@lemm.ee
      6 months ago

      Not all of us are spinless little shitweazles. If neo nazis setup a community should we let them have that space or should we go burn it the fuck down? I know what side I’m one. 🔥