The xz package that has already entered the current F40 pre-release versions/variants and rawhide contains malicious code. This does NOT affect users of the Fedora releases (F38, F39 are thus not affected), but all users who use already F40 pre-release versions/variants or rawhide shall read this: Article: CVE details: Be aware that this is CVE criticality 10: this is the highest risk factor. Also be aware that the header of the RH arti...
No thanks. Lol. How many backdoors exist in Windows because we don’t see the source? And if something is found they’ll probably keep quiet about it. Happy April Fools’ a whole day dedicated to people like you
Lol triggered.
“No you are wrong.” YoU aRe So tRiGgErEd! 🤓
Dumb dumb.
The more times you ad-hom me, the weepier you look.