Found this while I was exploring the internet for some interesting things to do with the flipper and just taking in all I can find:

This is a nice resource that seems to have a lovely collection of various garage doors, and they used a RPi, but this can easily be done on the flipper. Also has a nice chart here:

Also, I found this which seems like the flipper zero equivalent and looks interesting in itself:

I did get rid of the if statement that doesn’t generate the files for PT-2240-433 since I wasn’t going to put it on GitHub, but this takes a while to run to generate all the files.

This part explains why it can work: "Brute Force attack is possible for all fixed code remotes which are using up to 20 bits for the code, which are:

Came, Tedsen, Kaeuferle, Nice, Ruku / Ansonic, Tormatic, Cardin, Dickert, Endress, Marantec, Hoermann, Einhell, Berner, Chamberlain, Rademacher, CDS, Bosch 12 DIP, Bosch 20 DIP."