it sucks. I’ve been seeing this guy for like a year and a half, and like, idk, he doesn’t act like he actually cares about me? it’s really weird and i feel really sad a lot because of it.

he’s nice ish when we’re together but he never talks to me otherwise. he never texts me or calls me, when I text him usually he doesn’t reply. he never like takes me out anywhere or wants to do anything with me, everything we do I have to initiate. he just wants to sit around on his phone all the time.

a few months ago he totaled his car, and he still hasn’t gotten a new one despite having plenty of money for one because he’s a snob and will only get a car he considers “cool” which he can’t afford, leaving me on the hook for all our transportation, and despite him having a decent job and like no living expenses he’s never once even offered to get a meal for us both. almost every time I take us out he criticises the food/place/people in the place/atmosphere.

two weeks ago I got surgery. I needed to go to another country for it. it was really major surgery and really scary for me. he didn’t reach out to me a single time. never called, never wished he luck or asked how I was, still hasn’t. yet he’s on discord in my discord server all the time talking about other shit. I feel like I’m just not worth somebody caring about if this person who supposedly loves me cares more about discord and memes than like if I even survived anesthesia.

I’m only really with him still because he’s not like actively abusive to me, dating strangers is scary, and I don’t wanna hurt him by breaking up with him, but honestly I think I’m at a point where I need to just let him go and move on

anyways, idk :3 I’ll be oki eventually

  • kristina [she/her]
    6 months ago

    If a guy doesn’t help you with post op stuff, drop him. Waste of space. Even many of my friends would pick up the slack if no one was there to help me or talk to me.

    It’s incredibly important for you to have assistance post op with anything, it can lead to life long issues if you don’t.