• daltotron@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I think fatphobia and other issues like it are pretty good indicators as to whether or not people are actually evaluating issues correctly from like, a whole perspective, a detached “what’s good for society, what should I be doing that’s good for society” kind of perspective, or if they’re just kind of going based on what’s socially acceptable, and what’s emotionally appealing. Based on shit like this, I’d say it’s pretty clear that we have a ways to go.

      • RageAgainstTheRich@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Just because someone is overweight, doesn’t give you the right to be a cunt to them. Overweight people know they are overweight. No need to make fun of them. It makes you an asshole.

        • CaptPretentious@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Do you live under a rock… Because you’re in denial, just like so many who are denying they’re morbidly obese. And despite warnings of health problems and risks… The obesity problem keeps rising. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_States#%3A~%3Atext%3DThe_obesity_rate_has_steadily%2C17%25_of_children_were_obese.?wprov=sfla1

          I’m not saying insulting is the right approach. But clearly this pro-obese movement people have been pushing is just as wrong.

          • RageAgainstTheRich@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            Yes it is harmful to the people themselves. Then help them with kindness. Not by shitting on them and bullying and offending them. A lot of people are overweight because they are depressed. And just because there are a few people that think its healthy, doesn’t mean they all should be made fun of. Talk to those specific people directly instead of being a bully towards everyone.

            I don’t see people being hateful like this towards people smoking.

            Don’t be a dick. Its not that hard.

        • summerof69@lemm.ee
          6 months ago

          Stop crying over a simple sponge bob meme. This is your life and your health. Do something about it instead of coming up with silly words like fatphobia to make yourself feel better.

    • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.org
      6 months ago

      it’s disturbing how much people nowadays never did anything harder than getting up their bed in their entire life. Physical activity is a necessity. Its ok to be fat. Its not ok to be an antropomorphic equivalent of a truck.

      • Fedizen@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        I mean when people are that size there’s almost always some kind of additional disease at play. It seems crazy to be like “oh this truck sized man who has a metabolic disorder clearly just needs to pull up his bootstraps.”

        The meme is bad faith. Its very obvious with a little thought that making fun of fat people isnt going to fix obesity.

        • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.org
          6 months ago

          Physical training literally cures methabolic disorders, except the genetic ones of course, good thing they are extremely rare. Vast majority of them are behavioral.

          Moreover, I wasn’t judgemetall of obesity before I had met few people with weight problems. One of them even had problems with legs because of that. You know what he did about that? Right, not a damn thing, hasn’t even tried. Instead of that he chose only to complain about his poor legs all the time. He never tried to see a doctor, never tried to train. The more you defend this people, the more of them there will be. And of course every one of them claims that they have bad genes or something, except they self-diagnosed it to themselves, because its easier that way. Its always easier to do nothig but to pity yourself, and to look for other people to pity you.

      • FlorianSimon@sh.itjust.works
        6 months ago

        Obese people are not all anthropomorphic trucks. Some of the obese people you caricature work very physical jobs, and work harder than you ever will in that cushy office job of yours (if applicable, but given that we’re on Lemmy… Chances are that it applies).

        The first step towards not being a bigoted asshole is to look at reality as it is. Obese people are very diverse, there’s degrees in obesity. Some of them - mostly on MTV - are pathologically consuming heaps of unhealthy foods and look like balls of flesh straight out of a freak show. Others… don’t. Most of the real obese people I know get out of bed, go to work every morning and have fairly normal lives. My next-desk colleague even goes to the gym twice a week.

        But yeah, in the mind of the dim-witted and the fatphobic cave dwellers, “being obese funny”.

        • CheesyFox@lemmy.sdf.org
          6 months ago

          there are degrees, and i never said otherwise. What i ment by “anthropomorphic equvalent of a truck” is exactly what you described - pathological consumers with a very unhealthy diet. I guess i have chosen my words poorly, therefore made my thought unclear. There are lots of fat people that are quite strong, and this is ok to me, as i said.

          The part about physical activity wasn’t exactly about fat people though, rather about our modern society in general. A healthy diet with the correct balance, and moderate physical activity makes wonders, not simply in terms of weight. Those two things are grately underestimated. Those things were underestimated by me. After i started to be more physically active, my thoughts got clearer and i became much happier in general. And yeah, the best gym is a part-time job in a field, if you ask me. Actual gym sucks compared to it.