Should I link you to every Star Wars book ever, or can you find them on your own? During most of the early Empire they were the same army. Some clones were in use up to episode IV. The 501st remained as Anakin’s particular army the entire time, from the end of EII to the fall of the Empire.
Oh my sweet summer child, the good clones trained the subpar clones from centex 2 that formed that army, they weren’t the original jango clones that were trained by the Kimonions.
The Kamino clones took the roles the Jedi had, the ground troops are a mix of competitor clones not using original DNA, but mainly non-clone recruits. They are whollfully different armies.
Ones literally under the republic, and the other under the empire.
Storm troopers are not clones. Maybe take your own advice and read some of the books? I’m a third of the way through chronologically myself, which puts me in the middle of the clone wars.
You only think I contradicted myself since you don’t understand the difference in the armies, and this discussion isn’t important enough for me to proof read my comment.
Kamino clones were basically non existent by that point since they were secretly being replaced by clones from centex. Ground troops include the grunts (storm troopers) officers and generals (centex clones) which is again, wholefully different than their trainers (kamino clones).
Storm troopers have never been clones and always been human recruits and you’re just too fucking stupid to comprehend the difference.
By the time what you’re talking even happened, any clones weren’t even jango clones, so they aren’t the same clone army, but they also aren’t grunts, that’s the recruited human storm troopers.
Can you provide any lore that says storm troopers are clones? This may help you figure this quite frankly extremely simple difference.
As previously explained… those outliers were centax clones…. Can you please keep up and maybe retain some of this knowledge? Fucking hell. I’ve never seen someone dig in so fucking much on something so factually wrong.
Please provide some lore to back up your claim of storm troopers being clones, because the few that are, are officers, not the ones shooting in the fucking ground lmfao.
Storm troopers and clone troopers are wholly different armies.
Should I link you to every Star Wars book ever, or can you find them on your own? During most of the early Empire they were the same army. Some clones were in use up to episode IV. The 501st remained as Anakin’s particular army the entire time, from the end of EII to the fall of the Empire.
Oh my sweet summer child, the good clones trained the subpar clones from centex 2 that formed that army, they weren’t the original jango clones that were trained by the Kimonions.
The Kamino clones took the roles the Jedi had, the ground troops are a mix of competitor clones not using original DNA, but mainly non-clone recruits. They are whollfully different armies.
Ones literally under the republic, and the other under the empire.
Storm troopers are not clones. Maybe take your own advice and read some of the books? I’m a third of the way through chronologically myself, which puts me in the middle of the clone wars.
You’re just wrong on this one dude.
You’re actually illiterate…
Wholefully, but preferably wholly.
You’ve just contradicted yourself. You somehow managed to do it in three sentences, no less.
You only think I contradicted myself since you don’t understand the difference in the armies, and this discussion isn’t important enough for me to proof read my comment.
Kamino clones were basically non existent by that point since they were secretly being replaced by clones from centex. Ground troops include the grunts (storm troopers) officers and generals (centex clones) which is again, wholefully different than their trainers (kamino clones).
Storm troopers have never been clones and always been human recruits and you’re just too fucking stupid to comprehend the difference.
By the time what you’re talking even happened, any clones weren’t even jango clones, so they aren’t the same clone army, but they also aren’t grunts, that’s the recruited human storm troopers.
Can you provide any lore that says storm troopers are clones? This may help you figure this quite frankly extremely simple difference.
You’re actually illiterate, holy fuck. Do humanity a favour and go back to grade-1.
You’re the dumbass who thinks storm troopers are clones, Finn totally looks like jango doesn’t he…?
And apparently it only takes a preschooler to show up your Star Wars knowledge if you want to claim stupid shit like that lmfao.
Apparently you don’t know the difference between “set contains” and “set equals” either. Go back to preschool instead.
As previously explained… those outliers were centax clones…. Can you please keep up and maybe retain some of this knowledge? Fucking hell. I’ve never seen someone dig in so fucking much on something so factually wrong.
Please provide some lore to back up your claim of storm troopers being clones, because the few that are, are officers, not the ones shooting in the fucking ground lmfao.