Finished Starsight by Brandon Sanderson. Second book in Cytoverse series. Loved the way the series progressed, though didn’t liked the post-ending much. Going to start the novella soon.

Started Three Days to Never by Tim Powers. It’s a standalone sci-fi. Don’t remember who recommended Tim Powers or when, but he was mentioned in my list, so got couple of his books. I have just started the book, something is happening, but I am not sure what, so no idea what to think about it yet. Let’s see how it turns out.

What about all of you? What have you been reading or listening lately?

    6 months ago

    Finishing off the last couple of books in Iain Banks’ Culture series. I read them 10+y ago but had largely forgotten the content of most books, I’m up to Surface Detail again and really enjoying the ride.

    Also read Ian McDonald’s The Dervish House for the first time recently and highly recommend it, it’s another excellent book.

      6 months ago

      Yeah I been re reading hydrogen sonata, good shit. I like matter best tho I think. If you’ve not read them yet you might also like the algebraist and transition.

      Yeah I read those Ian McDonald books way back and they’re about ready for a re-read, enjoy!