Some of my friends have been and I was wondering if I could learn anything from y’ill.

  • Plume (She/Her)
    5 months ago

    PART 3: Second School - The Dorms

    I didn’t get to choose my room because I was one of the last people to arrive.

    I got placed with two very masculine guys which were very muscular, very tall. And clearly, didn’t want to have another roommate. I wanted nothing to do with them either but I was going to suffer from it all the same.

    I didn’t knew them, and I never saw them outside of the dorm, because our school was separated into two buildings with two very different speciality. So outside of the dorms we would never meet each other.

    We get a new character here, which we’re going to call Nicholas. Nicholas was not just an asshole. He was a downright sociopath and I’m scored of him. I learned to fear him very fast, but I wasn’t aware until a few months on how much I should fear him.

    With these two it started friendly enough. I would stay in my corner. I would sleep in my bed which was over one of them. And I would be very quiet, very discreet. I would not make eye contact. I would answer when I’m talked to and that’s it. I was very docile.

    They too made my life hell. And honestly, out of all the memories I have from this place, these are the worst. And they only lasted six months, because I begged my parents to get me the hell out of here. I would sleep in my bed every night after that. I had around an hour of bus to get home and to get to school. So it wasn’t that much. I had no obligation to sleep there. I could have done without it. We just wanted to try to experiment. And I was open to new things…

    You know, a lot of people talk about the dorms like it’s the best time of their life. It was the worst time of my life, by far. Among the three years, which also were the worst period of my life, these six months, that was something else.

    I guess that it started friendly enough, but very soon confrontation would start to happen over nothing. One day I was downstairs. I was actually under the stairs. It was a good spot. I had my laptop. No one would bother me here. But Nicholas and a bunch of friends just went by here and saw me. He said something to me that I didn’t like. I don’t remember what it was, but I pretty much told him to fuck off at which point he came to me, pinned me to the wall and pretty much threatened me to break my arms or some shit. Okay, message received loud and clear. I won’t do that again, especially if you’re with your friends.

    Soon after, when we were in the room, all three of us, my other roommate, let’s call him Gabriel, and Nicholas would yell at me for nothing. He would kick me out of the dorm even though he couldn’t, which made it so that a surveillance had to brought me back in. Telling Nicholas that he couldn’t kick me out and Nicholas would yell some more at me saying that I basically ratted on him which I didn’t and he knew it. I could tell he knew it. It wasn’t some twisted logic or whatever, no he just knew it, he just liked fucking with me.

    Writing this, I’m realizing that Roman and Nicholas have a lot in common. For example, Gabriel, when Nicholas wasn’t here, was pretty nice and chill. He wasn’t the massive asshole he would turn into when Nicholas was here to influence him. I guess bullies have that influence on people.

    I remember both of them would constantly do shit like talk to each other in the middle of the night, joke around, ask me questions and if I ever answered they would get mad at me because I talked in the middle of the night and they’re trying to sleep. And if I did give an answer they would get mad at me because I didn’t answer. They would do shit like this constantly.

    Back then, I was piecing together that maybe I was a girl which, now that I write it I realize that in this period of my life, I was actually understanding it. It was making sense, it was starting to become a thing, but because of what was happening, I got scared and I just put it back in the closet as far as I could. And it would take me years for me to finally get it out and accept who I was, which was last year.

    I think they could sense that something was going on. Because they would play on it. I got insulted for being too feminine. Even though I wasn’t. I never dressed up like a girl. Like I said, I was just wearing jeans and hoodies and whatever. Nothing very masculine but nothing very feminine either. I was very neutral. I didn’t really have a sense of style.

    They would tell me that I was weak, that I was too feminine, and that I would get basically eaten up in this world because of that. And for some reason I trusted them. Because they were bullying me, and it seemed like they were on top of everything, so maybe they were doing something right. I don’t know what was going in my mind. This was getting mixed up with lots of things in my life.

    To continue listing the shit they did to me, I remember one night Nicholas was on the phone with his girlfriend. She was on speaker, and for some reason, they were talking about me. How lucky for me. And… she was bullying me, a person she never met in her entire fucking life.

    Among figuring out that I was trans, which I eventually pushed back for many years, I also was figuring out that I was bisexual and I had a strong attraction to some parts of the, shall we say, masculine anatomy. I was a naive kid, but I wasn’t dumb enough to share that with them. They probably figured this out on their own. I’ve been called a fag my whole life so it’s not surprising that they were making fun of me for this.

    So I had two people in the room, and a third party on the phone which never even saw my face, talking and mocking me because they were discussing me sucking dick and getting fucked. By them, at some point, too, I remember. This is burned into my mind. Having people in a room which you barely know and one of them on the phone which you don’t know at all, talking about gangbanging you - with it going from you loving it or you hating it but being powerless to do anything - even though they are all straight and are talking with obvious disgust, just to get a reaction out of you tends to do that I guess. I remember her hurting me the most. She was basically mocking me for being submissive sexually I guess. But also for being feminine in many ways and coming from someone who obviously was feminine. I don’t know, it was especially violent because I was trans, Playing around with my femininity in a social way, as well as in a sexual way, was something that I desperately needed back then, especially at this point in my life. and I wasn’t in a safe place to accept it or explore it.

    It’s burned in my mind because it was vicious. It was awful and I felt terrible about it. And also because it made me “horny” and I didn’t want to. It made me feel something positive to the humiliation which made me want to throw up. I was disgusted on myself and I was disgusted and everything that was happening. It was one of the weirdest combination of feelings I’ve ever had in my life. It felt like they had gotten into my mind and just played around with it and tortured me with it. I felt violated.

    Things turned differently when all of a sudden, continuing in that direction, Nicholas asked me if I would want to fuck his girlfriend. He insisted on it, and I knew that it was bait. Because the whole night he was like, “You’re gay, you suck cock, you’re disgusting” whatever. But then all of a sudden he was describing to me how beautiful his girlfriend was and the size of her breast and everything. And he was basically trying to make me lust after her. Trying to make me say something that would justify him being violent towards me. Because I knew his type, a guy looks at his property, uh I mean, girlfriend, the wrong way and he gets violent.

    Most of my memories are now blurry, you know? It’s a bit of a mixed bags of various things that come up here and there, but it’s pretty much a blur. I have some distinct things, like the ones I told you that are stuck in my mind, but I have one last one, which was perhaps the worst night of my entire life. Oh actually, there was that time where I woke up drenched in sweat and wanted to stuck a knife in my skull to end the sudden pain I was feeling from my teeths before we figured out a couple of days later that I had somhow developped scurvy. Take your vitamin C kids, it’s important. But that’s a story for another day. So it’s one of the worst night in my life.

    Part 4 (last part), below.

    • Plume (She/Her)
      5 months ago

      PART 4: One Of The Worst Nights Of My Life

      I don’t remember how it started. I just remember what started happening in the middle of the night. I assume it started like every other with some bullying, the usual crap, whatever. But in the middle of night, I feel my bed moving. And mind you, this bed is suspended over Gabriel’s, the other roommate, not Nicholas. I think in English it’s called a bunk bed. And all of a sudden, I fell. I felt it lift up and then it suddenly like gave up underneath me. I fell on the ground and when I looked up again, the bed was on Gabriel, who was beneath me. It fell on him.

      I was half naked on the floor. I wasn’t panic. I was apologizing. And both of them were standing in front of me. Getting half mad at me. And I say half because they were trying to suppress their laughter because they clearly organized the thing this way. They ordered me to keep quiet because they didn’t want anyone else outside the room to hear. They told me to not move, and to stay quiet for a while. I stayed on the ground, almost afraid for my life not knowing what the fuck was going on. I was in deep sleep when that happened. But no one came, so no one heard my fall.

      After that they talked down to me, pretending that this was my fault as if they didn’t organize the whole thing, I blamed them for it and they almost got violent because of it. So I backed down. I got docile again. I was laying on the floor half naked in front of these two guys. It was humiliating. That was the only reasonable thing to do. No one was coming to help. And I had learned years ago that asking for help from the school itself was just a shit idea, so I was on my own.

      I fixed the bed. Gabriel also helped me. I mean, his comfort depended on it. And I went back to sleep. That would have been a bad night but that’s it.

      But the night wasn’t over yet.

      Did you ever woke up suddenly, panicked with like a giant alarm yelling in your mind “you are about to die”?

      I don’t know the hour. I don’t remember this. I remember just waking up suddenly panicked. I had a strong smell in my nose. It smelled like pepper. Like it just took every thing in my nose. That’s all I could smell, nothing else. And all of the sudden blood started coming out of my nose. And not just a drop like suddenly I had blood all over my face.

      I have no idea what they did to me. I just don’t. So I went down my bunk trying to just figure out what was happening. I went into the bathroom, turned the light on in panic. They both yelled at me because I turned the light on and I asked them for help. And they yelled at me some more, also while laughing, which confirmed to me that they were responsible for what was happening to me.

      The bleeding stopped on its own eventually. And I just locked myself into the bathroom for the rest of the night. And I slept there on the cold floor. I spent a good part of that night trying to get rid of that smell in my nose. I mean, I tried to sleep, I mostly cried all night, I was freaked out and I was afraid of them. Because again, I woke up, and the first thing that came in my mind was, “You have to do something, you are about to die”, which I wasn’t, but that’s just what my brain communicated to me. I figured out otherwise shortly after but I was freaked the hell out. I guess it was adrenaline or something? I don’t know.

      But the door had a lock so they couldn’t get me there. When morning came and the surveillance came into the room, to wake us up she asked where I was and I put on my brightest voice and told her that I was up early and already in the bathroom.

      To this day, I still have no fucking clue what is it that they did to me that night. What was that strong smell of pepper and why the hell did it burn everything up my nose and started to make me bleed like that. I have no idea what happened.

      But morning came, but that night wasn’t over for me because I really didn’t have a night, to be honest. There was one more thing to come. Most people cleared out off the floor and I was left in the room with just Nicholas and me, which accused me of being responsible for his poor sleep, and me being stressed the hell out and having close to no sleep… I told him that he could only blame himself for what he did to me. We started to argue and I argued back. So he got violent and how did it ended? Nicholas went to his locker, which we had in our room, opened it, pulled out a massive knife, put it at my throat, pushed me on the desk, which was near a window, opened the window, pushed me on the desk to that window. He had much more strength than I could ever had and he was either going to open my throat or throw me down five floors. I don’t really remember what I did in defense of that. I’m pretty sure I just got real quiet and just got as docile as I have ever been.

      He let me go but made a point to threaten me again. Of course.

      You know what’s weird? I think I had a pretty normal day after that. Which is really weird now that I think about it. After all the shit that happened, I had a pretty average day. Nothing special. I think the effect of that day happened at first, days after and later, months and sometimes even years after.

      At that point I had gotten used to having regular panic attacks. At night when I knew I had to go back up there, it only got worse and after that I begged my parents to take me home as I explained earlier, which they did. It’s only gotten worse after this because now they didn’t just threaten to beat me, to rape me, to do whatever. Nicholas threatened to kill me, and it wasn’t just words. I had a knife put on my throat and I was held close to a window ready to be thrown out. Things just escalated massively.

      I never told anyone. I finally talked about it to my family recently that I was years and years after but I kept my mouth shut during the whole thing.

      And what was I supposed to do? Talk to the principal about it? They would have searched his locker, found the knife, expelled him forever from the school, and he would have come found me and gutted me somewhere in the street. At least, that’s how I saw things back then. Nowadays, I don’t know if it would have been that extreme, but I still think ratting him would’ve been a pretty fucking terrible idea.

      One of the worst things that happened to me in that school was something that happened completely outside of it. It was in my home. One day I opened up about the shit that was happening to me, to my father, which I never got good relationship with. I don’t know why I opened up to him. It was a bad idea. I remained vague about what was happening because I just didn’t want to tell him in details the shit that happened to me. I was afraid he would do something violent or whatever. I didn’t want it to make things worse for me. But his response is one of the worst memories I have of this place. He basically told me that if I was bullied everywhere I went, that maybe I ought to take a good look at myself and that maybe I was provoking it. Maybe it was my fault. Maybe I deserved it. That I asked for it. That was after that night, too.

      I have never felt so alone that in that moment. But also, even though I didn’t have a good relationship with him, he was someone I still trusted. So I kind of got it into my head that all of those things that were happening to me, well, maybe I deserved them…

      I didn’t. Of course. But I didn’t know that back then.

      Anyway, there is plenty of other stuff that happened to me in that school. And I wasn’t the only time I was bullied, of course. I also got bullied later in life in the wonderful work of employment. But that’s already long enough. So, you know, I am going to end this by a very short story. The story of my last night in that god forsaken dorm.

      I lied. Kind of. Bonus story (Bullying Free), below. (this is the last one, for real this time)