• 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
    6 months ago

    Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

    It really do be as simple as that, the capitalist regime was imposed with authority and it must be gotten rid of with authority. History has, and continues to, proven it.

  • CommunistBear [he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Tankies are a combination of Sisyphus and Cassandra. Chronically right but never believed and doomed to repeat that process over and over again

    • davel@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      If that were true then there never would have been any socialist states at all, never mind the ones that still stand today.

  • principalkohoutek [none/use name]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Notes for communist revolutionaries:

    If you don’t use an iron fist, your detractors will say you use an iron fist to crush dissent and they will manipulate the will of the people against you. After you fail and your supporters are rounded up and executed, they’ll blame the failure on your ruthless authoritarianism.

    If you use an iron fist, your detractors will say you use an iron fist to crush dissent, and you may lose favor among the people. You may find yourself doing questionable acts to hold onto power. However, you may actually succeed. Your detractors will say you are a ruthless authoritarian.

    Sucks for the blood spilled in the second choice, but at least you’ll have something to show for it when the dust settles

    • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago

      These are very true words and even the reactions to this site show how true that is. Liberals will claim we’re authoritarian and crush dissent without a second thought. Then they go on to lie about our positions towards various marginalized groups and countries. Those in the echo chamber believe it and repeat every word while the more curious-minded second-guess what they hear and give it a look.

    • Soon it transpired that such leniency was only undermining the strength of the authority of the Soviets. We committed a mistake in showing such leniency toward the enemies of the working class. If we repeated this mistake any further, we would have committed a crime toward the working class. We would have betrayed its interest. And this became perfectly clear very soon. It became very sure that the greater our leniency toward our enemies, the greater their resistance.

      —Stalin (Interview by Emil Ludwig)

    • amemorablename@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      There is very much an experience of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” even in something as mild as trying to make a communist-sympathizing point on the internet. To some, there is nothing you can say that is considered valid. They decided you weren’t worth listening to from the moment you said something that set off their McCarthy Communism Detector 5000 ™. But they sure will pretend like they are interested in entertaining “debate” in spite of this, taking you down a path of wild generalizations and hypotheticals, while running away from anything factual you bring up about history that counters the narrative they’ve been told.

      And that’s not even getting into the people who are actively scheming against communism, as you are talking about. Some of it’s plain people being tricked into thinking only in binary terms of good/evil, freedom/authority, and superimpose hypotheticals over reality.

      I think of that saying that goes, “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” But varied for the situation, “No liberalism survives contact with the enemy.” Those who live by hypotheticals can only have control over hypotheticals. The imperialists of the world seem content to let them muck about with that, as it poses no material threat to their power on its own and can be misdirected into schools of thought that confuse and distract from what is happening.

      • MaterialConsequences@lemmygrad.ml
        6 months ago

        This post really highlights my frustration with being a Marxist— I had a friend call me a conspiracy theorist when I explained to him what Banana Republics were and the coup in Nicaragua as an example of socialism “not working” because of outside forces. He constantly trolls me for being a communist and I demonstrate his lack of knowledge of history and philosophy, when he asks me for where I get my information he refuses to engage with the resources I send him. He refuses to understand that the dichotomy of American politics is a lie and thinks any third party left of the Democrats is useless and will be the same as the Democrats (well, we know why he is kind of right), and he keeps voting Democrat. He even told me I don’t know what liberal means, when I use it in the philosophical sense, and when I asked him if he knows what philosophical liberalism is (after claiming he took a political science class in college) he just choked up and didn’t answer the question.

        Ever since I fully lost my liberal brain, it makes me want to punch walls when people bring up absolute nonsense or regurgitated propaganda about communism/Marxism and socialism. Even that, the vast majority of talking points can be used against capitalist countries tenfold. People will shit all over communism from 85 years ago when their country (USA in my case) was actually an apartheid state 85 years ago. I like to bring up that people like me (mixed race black and white) were illegal until 1968 and if you tried to make a law like that in the USSR they would have rightfully shot you at the time in the 1920s-30s (I use this with black friends who give me the common arguments against communism). Also, limiting of freedom of speech is a nonsense argument because liberal democracies constantly suppress narratives they don’t like. There’s just contradictions in everything that comes out of a liberal’s mouth.

        I have begun to liken the development of communism with the development of the scientific method, as theory vs praxis with dialectic change, and how you can’t make arguments like above when the country you live in is static in nature and was worse socially.

    • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      Your detractors will say you are a ruthless authoritarian.

      To which we will reply: “My dear sirs, you are right, that is just what we are. All the experience the people have accumulated through several decades teaches us to enforce the people’s democratic dictatorship, that is, to deprive the reactionaries of the right to speak and let the people alone have that right.”

    • 小莱卡@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      The thing is that they don’t even do anything, it is the mislead working class people, working as their enforcers, that do their dirty work.

  • ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    This is tangentially related, but Bevins shared some info about DPRK’s initial political system after WWII that conflicted with what the Blowback guys reported. In The Jakarta Method, he mentioned that the Soviets had a heavy hand in influencing the political structure in the North, which also included violence and imprisonment. However, Noah and Brendan said that the Soviets were very hands off while the Koreans organized their political committees, and that stories of Soviet influence were very overblown. Is it possible to know on which side the truth lies?

    • The_Filthy_Commie@lemmygrad.ml
      6 months ago

      My gut leads me to think that the truth lies on the side of what Noah and Brendan said. Why? Because I’ve listened to Vincent Bevins before on interviews and he’s still fighting with that idealism. Why do I make this claim? Because he still thinks that some people involved in the HK riots, the guarimbas in Venezuela, the Maidan shit, etc, were well-meaning, but their movements were taken over by reaction, in other words, co-opted. I do not believe that and hindsight is 20/20. These activities from the moment they were invented had a direction, and just because some well-meaning folks who spout ‘‘leftist’’ slogans were duped, does not mean those movements were at any time on our side.

      Let’s look at the HK shit. We saw from the beginning, Union Jacks and signs asking Trump to intervene. Later we saw even Azov clowns over there, and they were calling people in the mainland of China, cockroaches or locusts. Nobody here with their head on straight, will look at that and conceive, in any way possible, that those people are ‘‘left’’ or fighting for anything good. Let’s look at Maidan next. I don’t give a shit if Yanukovych isn’t a lefty or anything, but the people out in the streets were supportive of the EU, that’s a red flag for me, while shouting pro-Western slogans, and being overtly Russophobic, plus, we even saw US officials on stage over there.

      But, bro, I see a US flag or something, and my sirens go off. Because I’ve seen enough, man. I’ve been following Venezuela’s story closely for the past 6yrs or so, and I’ve learned so much observing escuálidos. These people never act spontaneously or alone. Reaction is always directed, and from the same studio at ‘‘Always the Same Map, Inc.’’