Just recalled a fond memory from when I first started playing and figured I’d share and see if anyone has similar experiences.

This was way back in, if I’m remembering correctly, the single digit updates… I think six but I’m not sure. At least for me and a few friends at the time Ancient Infested were scary, actually required specific focusing down and a little cheesing of the not-so-great AI they had back then. A lot of bosses were like the Sargent, just bigger/tougher versions of normal enemies. Death came frequently enough that teamwork was important and builds like an ultra-slow but functionally indestructible Rhino were assets to the team rather than an unwanted holdup.

But back then even the most indestructible of builds with the best of weapons were out matched by one adversary: The Stalker. He didn’t have his now iconic weapons back then, no he used a Braton and Cernos but he used them well and had some protection against powers being used against him. I recall him causing mission failure on so many missions… then just about when I was going to conclude he’s unkillable he spawns in while I’m solo trudging in my maximum tank Rhino build. He’s killed it before but it was my main and I was never really one to just give up. He’s running circles around me as he was able to to… at least in part 'cause my run speed was slower than Excalibur’s walk. But I manage to get out from whatever power-suppression he had back then I go for a Charge… and miss but it got me enough distance to have just a sliver of breathing space and with that I try again, probably last time before my powers are gone again. Hit. Not just a hit but he disappears…

I didn’t think he was beaten but it wasn’t like The Stalker to let up on the attack… I trudge on continuing the mission. I complete the objective… no second round, no ambush. I’m getting a little anxious as I keep on trudging toward the exit. I reach it… and the normal mission complete plays and I’m bounced back to mission select. I won. I could hardly believe it but I won. Unfortunately I didn’t get anything special though as this was before you were guaranteed the sigil for the first kill.