The censored one is probably Niger

    5 months ago

    Overlay it on that Steam active user map, so we can count all 8 people who’ll need to fire up that VPN they use for literally everything they already do online.

      5 months ago

      as someone who is in a country where services are regularly blocked and you need to use a VPN,

      fuck off.

        5 months ago

        Hey, congrats! Sounds like you’ve already figured out the solution to this “problem”.

        I notice that you specifically worded your comment to not address whether PSN is blocked where you are.

        I’ll assume it definitely is blocked where you are, and you’re not just another PCMR-bro who thinks signing up for a PSN account will make people think they’re a “console gamer”.

          5 months ago

          since you didn’t fuck off let me explain.

          i don’t play nor care about helldivers 2 but i can certainly emphasize with people that have had their favorite game linking to a service that is blocked/not supported. you either use a free VPN which good luck with shitty connectivity, high packet loss and ping, or use a paid VPN which basically converts all your games into a subscription that is most certainly not affordable for many 3rd world users, and at the end you are still probably dealing with the issues mentioned before since you are adding extra hops in your route. and that’s if you can get your hands on a working VPN which since most companies have their IP addresses known you get forced into shady VPNs automatically.

          plus you are massively risking your data since you can’t trust the person at the other end, especially with free VPNs that could be loaded with viruses and spyware. in addition in most cases using a VPN can and will trigger false bot flags, causing either a temporary block or worse a ban, not to mention lying about your region when creating an account is in most cases is against TOS (although it’s unlikely you get banned for it).

          for example i wanted to play titanfall 2 when it came out but couldn’t due to it being linked to EA account system which is definitely blocked here. never bothered with the official Ultima Online because EA. wanna play the free copy of GTA V? can’t download shit off Epic Games. wanna play any games made by Riot? you better get that DNS service ready cause otherwise you can’t get in. wanna update warframe? too bad the CDN service they use blocks your region (this was a long time ago i remember being pissed off about it).

          so stop being an asshole online. we deserve to play games like other people without resorting to hacks in order to have a worse experience that was forced upon us. even ignoring all of my rant this decision is still against privacy of most users by handing their data over to yet another big company. i cannot imagine what would compel someone to make an ass out of themselves to call people that are against this cry babies.

            5 months ago

            60 to 160 USD per year

            I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that people who gobble up every bit of ragebait their favorite “influencers” dish out would also use the sponsored overpriced VPN of choice. It’s not that hard to find legit VPNs for around $25/yr. It’s not just NordVPN out there.

            And the “fuck you” fee for Americans/Canadians/Brits? It’s called regional pricing. Note how places like Russia / Ukraine / South Asia can get $60 games for the equivalent of twenty bucks.


            (Also, if $25 is truly 10% the value of their house and they’re spending that much on videogames, there are plenty other issues to be worrying about).

              5 months ago

              well nice job ignoring literally everything else i said but alright. my rule of thumb for comparing my purchasing power vs an american is to multiply the product’s value by 15. so you tell me that you wouldn’t feel annoyed if you had to pay 375$/year (ignoring the increased data cap costs that comes with using a VPN of course) for a service that might get blocked at any moment? never mind the scammers that are absolutely littered everywhere.

              and the regions that are not supported by PSN probably don’t have regional pricing in steam as well, so we also have to pay that fuck you fee if we want to buy our games legit, unless of course you are willing to risk a ban (which actually isn’t that unlikely) in order to region hop, or get a CD key that was most likely bought with stolen gift card money of scam victims. and steam recently has been cracking down on both region hopping and the price disparity seen between different regions.

              yes it’s not the most earth shattering issue on the planet, but at least we get to complain about it online right?

            5 months ago

            Paid VPNs are dirt cheap worldwide. You’re all absolutely being crybabies. If you can already afford a PC capable of playing HD2, you can afford a few bucks a year for a reputable VPN.

            But hey, it’s okay. In a couple days, the TikTok/YouTube influencers will find the next shiny piece of inconsequential PC gamer ragebait, and you’ll all move onto that.

              5 months ago

              Paid VPNs are dirt cheap worldwide… If you can already afford a PC capable of playing HD2, you can afford a few bucks a year for a reputable VPN.

              You have actual clueless first-worlder logic

              If 60 to 160 USD per year is “dirt cheap” to you, you have absolutely no place to speak. Hundreds of dollars over the course of 5 years just to circumvent stupid geolocation restrictions and nothing else – about the same cost to twice the cost of a low-to-mid range gaming PC BTW – is not affordable to most people. How do you compare basically throwing away hundreds of USD yearly opposed to a one-time purchase of an important utility in the modern age? How do you view that as cheap for people in countries where that could be a large chunk or most of their salary? Are people not allowed to buy expensive things for themselves rarely and actually enjoy them without having an unnecessary subscription expense tacked on just because they were born in a poorer county?

              How would you feel if I told you there were a “fuck you” fee of 10% of the cost of your house every year just because you’re American or Canadian or British or some shit, on top of your income & property taxes? I mean you’re a homeowner so you can obviously afford it.

          5 months ago

          Truly a master of empathy. I’m astounded by your compassion for people who have different problems than you and who fall into minority groups.

            5 months ago

            Why do Gamers raging about stuff that doesn’t even affect them deserve my empathy.

            And if we’re going to try and turn this into racism, let’s ignore the PCMR gang (who rally behind a literal Aryan “master race” meme) trying to act offended about Subsaharan Africa losing access to a videogame. Layers of irony. When in reality they’re mad about having to sign up for a “console account”.

              5 months ago

              Why do people expressing frustration deserve your explicit lack of empathy? Why do you care so much? Why is “aha! Gotcha! You’re from Iran, so you’re neglected luxuries in other situations but not this one so your opinion doesn’t matter” sound like a reasonable response to you?

              You sound like a bitter spiteful individual who’s more interested in finding a reason to be contrarian and angry with people than compassionate. Coincidentally with frustrations over corporations.

              Go take a break from the internet if “why does a human deserve my empathy?” Seems like something that is ever reasonable to say or think. Empathy doesn’t mean you have to agree with someone, to preempt that lame excuse.

                5 months ago

                Cool cool cool… Going all-in on a dumbass-YouTube-influencer-led campaign to ruin a game dev over a manufactured outrage because PC Game-Bros don’t want to log into a “console” account. Super cool.

                Look at how most people actually respond to the hits the dev has taken from this…

                Pride. Glee. Excitement. “Yay I’m part of something!” “Look at RxBrad he’s not agreeing with our mob, get him!”

                This isn’t empathy or justice or doing the right thing. Dipshits on the Internet adore outrage, and literally get off on watching something burn.

                “They shouldn’t have allowed people where there’s no PSN to buy the game”

                “omg! They did what we demanded and delisted the game where there’s no PSN! People in those regions can even get refunds no matter how much they played. That’s racist!”

                Go outside, people.

              5 months ago

              You geniuses are all continuing to downvote a deleted post.

              Nice to see you’re all focusing on content and not just “downvote everything out of the guy not on the rage train”.