• possibly a cat@lemmy.mlM
    2 months ago

    I lost some plants to cold snaps earlier in spring, after my losses during winter hardening. But the survivors are doing well, and most of the perennial garden plants are growing once again.

    I’ve also had a lot of losses to the wildlife. I’m not sure if it’s because they are hungry, because they tend to cut the plants off at the base and not eat any of it. Maybe they don’t like my garden. Maybe they don’t like me? Either way, they eat plenty of the harvest, and they aren’t doing themselves any favors by biting the hand that feeds!

    All-in-all, I am very pleased with the progress of the garden this year. At this rate, it should be substantial within 2-3 more years. The goal is a permaculture system so seeing the perennials doing well is a good sign. The soil is also slowly improving, although it has taken a lot of work and amendments. Hopefully I can get the plants well-established before the world gets too crazy. Then it’s up to them to try and adapt.

    I wonder how much time that gives me? I feel like I’m going to be cutting it close. I don’t want to let me plants down. They deserve the best start I can give them heading into the pyrocene. 🥲