
  • AtariDump@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    …let the world know your home is “protected” by guns before criminals even break in the door.

    This is a great way to have someone break into your house and steal your guns while you’re not home. People secure their guns differently based on numerous different situations/reasons making some easier to steal than others.

    Plus, no one need to know that. I don’t want to be targeted by anyone (political / socially / physically / etc) simply for owning a firearm (if I do). No one need to know if I own a gun just like no one needs ro know if you’ve ever beat off in the shower.

    Just like home alarm systems have signs.

    Why Home Security Signs Could Actually Get You Robbed

    I don’t want ANYONE to know what system(s) I may or may not have in place; that’s just opening telling theives what exploits to look for in my system. The more generic looking the equipment is, the better.

    And the NRA keeps saying that gun sales are being done legally, so why not have a listing of guns owned?

    Because then there’s a list of people to go after first if poop happens. Again, no one needs to know what weapons I may or may not have.

    Would make it a whole lot easier for insurance to reimburse you if the gun is damaged in a home fire.

    With that attitude, let’s just register EVERYTHING with the insurance company. I’m sure they won’t use analytics against you when they determine that people who own a 65+ in TV that isn’t wall mounted have 66% more injuries and jack up your insurance rate.

    I could keep going, but I’ve run out of caring. Thanks for anyone reading this.