How are you doing? Anything you want to brag about? Rant about? Just shout into the void?
I’m hella bored. And lonely.
Sorry about that all I can offer is words/chat on lemmy. I wrote up a bit about loneliness a few months ago
I’m doing alright, I graduated from university recently and am now looking for a job. On the bright side I now have time to work on my side projects.
Congratulations, Maybe you side project could turn into a company. Hope the search goes well. What field?
I graduated with a degree in computer science so I’m hoping to get a position as a software engineer
Honestly been feeling pretty good recently. Started taking some antidepressants and they seem to be working! I guess I now have this feeling that everything is going to be okay and work itself out somehow.
Good to hear. Hopefully things keep going well.