Parents that are overfeeding their child with tons of food everyday are immoral and they should be put in prison for that in my opinion because a child doesn’t understand the full social ramifications of obesity. A child does not know that they could potentially die if they get a heart attack or stroke.

I believe that if an adult still choose to be obese despite knowing the potential risk that could happen as a result of their unhealthy lifestyle then I think it’s morally okay for them to continue living that lifestyle. However if an adult is obese then they should pay more taxes, pay double bus fare and pay double the price for airplane tickets as a result of their unhealthy lifestyle. Because cardiovascular is number 1 cause of death in Canada and we should never encourage people to live unhealthy lifestyles that cause cardiovascular disease.

    5 months ago

    So punish everyone anytime they do something dangerous or unhealthy? Riding a bike or driving a car also carries risks, as do most forms of sport. Going into the sun? You might get sunburnt, please pay this fine. Kiss someone? That’s how diseases spread, straight to jail.

    • TrenGoblin@lemmy.caOP
      5 months ago

      If parents encourages their child to ride a bike, drive a car or going into the sun without sunscreen without tell their child the long term potential risk that could happen as a result of those things then yes I believe they’re immoral and they should be put in prison for child abuse and child endangerment. Parents should always inform their child of the potential risk of any activity that the child decide to engage before they engage in that activity.

        5 months ago

        You know what’s super good for a kid? Putting their parents in jail. It leads to all sorts of great outcomes.

        5 months ago

        fucking everything has risk, it would literally be impossible for a parent to explain every risk.

        not to mention the kid may just straight up not understand what the hell skin cancer is or how painful a scraped knee from falling off a bike is.

    5 months ago

    A lot of people in this thread are discussing this like Obese and overweight are the same thing.

    A 13 year old child, around 5 tall, would need to weigh 155lbs to be considered Obese.

    I somewhat agree with the OP, it should be considered Child Abuse if you feed/enable your child enough to reach the Obese level. It’s just as bad for them mentally and physically as other types of abuse.

    I’m not saying this should immediately lead to jailtime for the parent, but if your child shows up to school and is measured in the top levels of overweight, a case should be opened with a social worker, a physician, and a nutritionist to work with the parent(s) remedy the situation. If the child continues on to reach an obese level, it should eventually lead to Jail and the removal of the child from the home. Of course there should be exceptions for medical conditions, but that’s where the Physician can properly assist.

    You can’t accidentally have a child reach 155 lbs at age 13, it takes literal years of overfeeding to put on that much weight.

  • Victor
    5 months ago

    Parents that are overfeeding their child with tons of food everyday are immoral and they should be put in prison for that in my opinion because a child doesn’t understand the long term social ramifications of obesity.

    It’s already “illegal” to be negligent regarding a kids diet to the point of causing health issues, and losing custody for making kids obese has been a controversial position riddled with challenging edge cases for a long time.

    However if an adult is obese then they should pay more taxes, pay double bus fare and pay double the price for airplane tickets as a result of their unhealthy lifestyle.

    Obese people already pay dearly for existing in multiple ways, from lower wages and employability levels to being forced to use transportation devices designed to not accommodate them, to having read shit like this on the Internet on a daily basis.

    Yes, there is an expenditure burden due to healthcare costs, but so there is for pretty much everything. Having cancer isn’t illegal, nor is sitting with bad posture. People will suffer the consequences of their health issues already, we don’t have to fuck them up any more.

    Side note: people are not obese necessarily because they’re lazy, there are multiple factors at play; and being fat isn’t a disease so comparing with cancer isn’t even necessary. Should we make being too old or depressed illegal as well?

    Because cardiovascular is number 1 cause of death in Canada and we should never encourage people to live unhealthy lifestyles that cause cardiovascular disease.

    Sure thing, let’s ban cars before making having a certain body type a punishable offence.

    5 months ago

    Subsidize healthy foods and active lifestyle choices and I’m all for it. But when I’m paying $17 to make a salad versus like $5 to make a cheeseburger, my money’s going to the burger.

    • TrenGoblin@lemmy.caOP
      5 months ago

      Yeah but eating cheeseburgers doesn’t make you obese. Eating in a massive calorie surplus everyday consistently for years makes you obese. If you eat a double Big mac combo everyday but are still in a calorie deficit you will still lose weight if you are consistently eating in a calorie deficit everyday.

        5 months ago

        Or you could just have your thyroids shit the bed.

        Obesity doesn’t just have one cause and even if it’s from overeating, that’s a symptom of a larger problem.

        Stop trying to blame it solely on willpower

        • TrenGoblin@lemmy.caOP
          5 months ago

          Even if someone has a Thyroid problem it’s still calorie in calorie out and at the end of the if someone with Thyroid problem chooses to eat in massive calorie surplus everyday then it’s 100% their own fault for doing it.

          Seriously stop blaming your Thyroid problem for why you are obese and take accountability for the unhealthy lifestyle that you choose to live everyday.

            5 months ago

            You obviously don’t know shit about this topic.

            Edit: I don’t have a weight problem, never have. I am active and eat healthy. I have seen other people eat and exercise like me and not have success in keeping weight off.

            • TrenGoblin@lemmy.caOP
              5 months ago

              You don’t know what those other people are doing behind closed doors when you are not there. They might exercise and eat very healthy foods when you are around and then when they go to there house that might completely binge eat chocolate and ice cream which result in them being in a massive calorie surplus despite you think that they’re not.

                5 months ago

                You’re incredibly ignorant.

                I’ve lived with some of these people, as in they slept in the rack below, beside or above me. Around them as much as was possible due to being on the same ship, same watch.

                You sound like a kid who hasn’t been anywhere, done anything or even completed high school.

                • TrenGoblin@lemmy.caOP
                  5 months ago

                  I think you’re incredibly ignorant if you actually believe that there are people in they world who can’t be at healthy bodyweight by simply eating in a calorie deficit everyday consistently.

                  Do some people have a slow metabolism than other people of course they do. Women in general have much slower metabolism than men because they’re shorter and have less muscle mass than men but at the of the day if they want to lose weight and be at a healthy bodyweight they still need to be in a calorie deficit in order for them to do that.

    5 months ago

    This past weekend I witnessed a grandmother advising her 7 year old granddaughter to be mindful of her bread intake, (it was something like: “two slices of baguette is enough, you should watch your bread intake”).

    It’s my understanding that at least 1 (probably more) of the daughters of this grandmother (ie the 7 year old’s mother, and aunts) developed eating disorders as a result of their upbringing. (I’ve inferred this from other conversations in the family)

    Would you like to enlist the grandmother in your crusade?

    Should people with ‘undesirable’ genetic characteristics be financially discouraged from having children? Maybe we should sterilize them just to be safe.

    • TrenGoblin@lemmy.caOP
      5 months ago

      No what the grandmother did is immoral because she literally lie to her granddaughter. People who have perfectly healthy blood work do not need to restrict their bread intake.

      If a couple took a genetic test that show that they have a very high chance of having a child with birth defects then I think its morally wrong for them to have a child together.

      Incest between a brother and a sister who are both consenting adults is morally okay in my opinion as long as the brother gets a vasectomy so that they can’t get have any kids together. Because what they’re doing is completely harmless and does not hurt anybody. They should also legally be allowed to marry eachother in my opinion.